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Vercel Next.js app pages not indexed by Google

I built an app using Next.js, but already one month past, all pages were not indexed by Google. I tried to add sitemap and robots.txt, now they can crawl but can not be indexed by Google.

Most of pages issue is excluded by a noindex tag. I checked the whole code, there is no this tag I added in this app. Anyone help can point what is the issue?

no indexed by google


  • Please follow Here’s an easy step-by-step solution to fix the issue:

    First Verify whether there is Actually noindex (or similar) metatag in your webpages

    Please Open Google Search Console Dashboard then check settings -> Crawling -> robots.txt Valid

    Incorrect Meta tag:

    <meta name="robots" content="noindex">

    Correct Meta tag:

    <meta name="robots" content="NOODP" />

    Please make sure to examine Your level of robots. txt if showing Disallow: / kindly follow below code

    User-agent: *
    Allow: /
    Sitemap: // this is a dummy url

    Make sure your application is properly working and crawl-able like Google's Mobile-Friendly Test to check it.

    Please test if your site is working fine:

    Google Page Speed Test

    Sitemap resubmission and re-indexing for the affected pages will be necessary.

    If you still can’t find a solution to your problem, please contact Vercel support or file an issue under the Next.js GitHub repo including all logs.