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Modify color of a mat-form-field

I can't find a way to change the color given by the Azure and Blue theme for the Material component. Especially for the mat-form-field (matInput).


<mat-form-field appearance="fill">
   <mat-label>{{ "pression_amont_minimum" | translate }} (P1)</mat-label>
   <input matInput type="number" formControlName="PressAmMin" />

tried to change the style of the component by referencing to it inside the style.css and and component.css:

  background-color : white;

nothing happened

  background-color : white;

a part of it changed to white


  background-color : white;

didn't worked for me

I found that changing the value of the

.mdc-text-field--filled:not(.mdc-text-field--disabled) {
  background-color: var(--mdc-filled-text-field-container-color, var(--mat-app-surface-variant)

could change the color of it but didn't find a way to reach this part of the css or override it.


  • It is not recommended to target the internal elements of Angular Material components, as they can change at any time.

    Angular 19+

    Starting from Angular 19, using SCSS, you can override the styles via the overrides mixin:

    @use '@angular/material' as mat;
    mat-form-field {
      @include mat.form-field-overrides((
        filled-container-color: white,

    Angular <= 18

    In older Angular versions you can provide new values for their CSS variables:

    mat-form-field {
      --mdc-filled-text-field-container-color: white;