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Maven install destroys lombok Builder

Im trying to make a Website which stores files. By now i have a springboot rest-server, a simple frontend, a database that stores just ur name and the url of the file, and a MinIO that should store the file itself. Everything works fine until u try to do a maven install. Somehow the Maven install deletes the DocumentEntityBuilder and the DocumentDtoBuilder which always throws an error.

On a clean build the target directory clearly shows that lombok annotations worked properly and the entity and dto classes have an associated builder. However when running Maven install or compile it fails with the "cannot find symbol" error and the builder is deleted.

I have tried building and rebuilding the project after a maven clean which didn't work. I have tried invalidating IDE cache and reloading the project from files. I have tried a clean download from the github repository. I have tried reworking the pom.xml to check for annotations and different versions of lombok. I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling lombok.

I am using IntelliJ IDEA 2024.3


    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
        <relativePath/> <!-- lookup parent from repository -->
            <version>8.0.0.Final</version> <!-- Ensure the version is compatible with your setup -->
            <version>4.0.2</version> <!-- Required for expression language support -->
            <version>8.5.2</version> <!-- Prüfe die neueste Version -->




target after clean and build

target after install

The whole project is available on GitHub

If anybody has any ideas please help


  • The Problem was solved by editing the pom.xml build to the following code
