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How to use SCSS mixins in angular component.scss file?

How do you use a scss mixin in an Angular component?


I created a file for my scss mixins in /src/styles/_mixins.css and imported this mixins file into the global style file styles.scss like this

// styles.scss    
@use "variables";
@use "mixins";

Then in the year-events.component.scss file of my angular component I tried to use my mixins like this

// year-events.component.scss
@use "mixins";
.events-grid {
  display: grid;
  grid-template-columns: repeat(1, 1fr);
  gap: 2rem;

  @include mixins.screen-size('large') {
    grid-template-columns: repeat(4, 1fr)

it doesn't work and I get this error

Can't find stylesheet to import.
1 │ @use "mixins";
  │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  src/app/calendar/components/year-events/year-events.component.scss 1:1  root stylesheet

And so, after several searches, it says to manually import the mixins file into my component's .ts file, which I did.

  selector: 'app-year-events',
  standalone: true,
  imports: [
  templateUrl: './year-events.component.html',
  styleUrls: ['./year-events.component.scss', '/src/styles/_mixins.scss'], // added this
export class YearEventsComponent implements OnInit {}

but always the same error. What's the reason for this? Shouldn't importing something into the global style file styles.scss benefit all components?

voici mon fichier _mixins.scss

@mixin screen-size($breakpoint) {
      @if $breakpoint == 'small' {
        @media (max-width: 600px) {
      } @else if $breakpoint == 'medium' {
        @media (min-width: 768px) {
      } @else if $breakpoint == 'large' {
        @media (min-width: 1024px) {

Just to clarify, when I use the mixin in the styles.scss file, it works as follows


  • You need to specify the relative path to the _mixins.scss file.

    @use "../../../../styles/mixins";

    Alternatively you can use the includePaths property of the stylePreprocessorOptions in angular.json:

    "stylePreprocessorOptions": {
      "includePaths": ["src/styles"]

    This allows you to use your existing component code:

    @use "mixins";