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Returning Null Generic Type

I have a class:

public interface IA
    TValue? GetValue<TValue>();

public class A : IA
   public TValue? GetValue<TValue>()

      if (value is not null)        
          return (TValue)value;

      return default(TValue);

This is alright, but when I try to implement the interface explicitly:

public interface IA
    TValue? GetValue<TValue>();

public class A : IA
   TValue? IA.GetValue<TValue>()

      if (value is not null)        
          return (TValue)value;

      return default(TValue);

The compiler throws an error:

Cannot implicitly convert type TValue to TValue?

Is there a difference when implementing an interface explicitly? This seems to only be the case when dealing with a nullable generic return type.

Is this a bug or am I missing something?


  • You need to use default constraint:

    TValue? IA.GetValue<TValue>() where TValue : default

    To allow annotations for type parameters that are not constrained to reference types or value types