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packaging block.json renderTemplate in basic webpack setup using @wordpress scripts

On a Wordpress install, I am using ACF Blocks with “block.json”, where my blocks are compiled from a /source directory to a /build directory, where they are registered via register_block_type. I’m using a relatively default variation of @wordpress/scripts/config/webpack.config for compiling/building.

My issue is that “render.php” will not copy over into my build directory unless I include the “render” property ("render": "file:./render.php") in block.json. But if I include that, then it overrides the ACF block render template (renderTemplate": "render.php"), and the template is interpreted as a standard block template and not an ACF block template.

Is there are straightforward workaround for this, or is this something I need to work out manually in my “webpack.config.js”? I’m pretty new to webpack configuration, and all I can think of is to create a new entry point in modules.exports for each of the render.php files, but I feel like that’s a really inefficient way to do it, since the default config already works as it should.

Would it make the most sense to use a webpack plugin such as replace-in-file-webpack-plugin to just remove the render property string in block.json from the build file?

Or there perhaps a function or filter that could force the ACF renderTemplate over the core “render”, even when “render” is present in block.json?

I feel like I can't be the first to encounter this, but I'm not seeing what the standard solution is.

Simple file structure:

| |-- carousel
| | |-- block.json
| | |-- render.php
| |-- anotherBlock
| | |-- block.json
| | |-- render.php
| |-- carousel
| | |-- block.json
| | |-- render.php
| |-- anotherBlock
| | |-- block.json
| | |-- render.php


function my_register_acf_blocks() {
  register_block_type(dirname(__DIR__, 1) . '/build/blocks/carousel' );
  register_block_type(dirname(__DIR__, 1) . '/build/blocks/anotherBlock' );
add_action( 'init', 'my_register_acf_blocks' );

Relevant lines of block.json:

  "$schema": "",
  "apiVersion": 3,
  "name": "acf/carousel",
  "title": "Image or Video Carousel with Overlay",
  "render": "file:./render.php", //<-- webpack won't copy render.php to build without this line, but it breaks ACF block when present
  "script": "file:./index.js",
  "style":  ["splide", "file:./style-index.css"],
  "acf": {
    "mode": "edit",
    "renderTemplate": "render.php"


const defaultConfig = require( '@wordpress/scripts/config/webpack.config' );

module.exports = {
    entry: {
        index: './src/index.js',
        loginStyles: './src/sass/login-styles.scss',
        splide: './src/js/splide.js'


  • Based on your project structure, to copy the .php files to build as intended, for your build process, try:

    npm wp-scripts build --webpack-copy-php

    This will copy all .php files contained within blocks registered via your my_register_acf_blocks() function.

    If you created the original project with @wordpress/create-block, its good idea to update package.json with --webpack-copy-php for projects that contain multiple blocks with dynamic rendering, eg:


        "name": "my-blocks",
        "scripts": {
            "build": "wp-scripts build --webpack-copy-php",
            "start": "wp-scripts start --webpack-copy-php"

    Then when you run npm plugin-zip, all your files should be built and bundled correctly.