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Problems using a C++ Dll with Excel 2016 32bit

im looking for a solution, that a DLL is not running on Excel 2016 32bit. I've tried so much in the recent weeks, that i have no idea left. I only get it running on Excel 64bit, I have two different DLL's for that. I use Visual Studio 2022, but have also tried it to compile in VB 2017. I'm getting Runtime Error 453 "Cant find entry point in dll". If i use the declatarion with the path "Private Declare Function crypt32 Lib "Path\crypt32.dll" Alias "_crypt32@4" (ByVal inputs As String) As String", i get Runtime error 53 "Cant find file".

Starting with the C++ Code:

C++ 64bit DLL:

#include "pch.h"
#include <Windows.h>
#include <OleAuto.h>

extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) BSTR crypt64(BSTR input) {
    wchar_t output[2]; 
    wchar_t inputChar = input[0];

    if (inputChar >= L'A' && inputChar <= L'Z') {
        inputChar = (inputChar - L'A' + 1) % 26 + L'A'; 
    else if (inputChar >= L'a' && inputChar <= L'z') {
        inputChar = (inputChar - L'a' + 1) % 26 + L'a'; 

    switch (inputChar) {
    case L'a': output[0] = L't'; break;

    default: output[0] = inputChar; break; 

    output[1] = L'\0'; 

    return SysAllocString(output); 

extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) void FreeBSTR(BSTR bstr) {

C++ 32bit DLL:

#include "pch.h"
#include <Windows.h>
#include <OleAuto.h>

extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) BSTR __stdcall crypt32(BSTR input) {
    wchar_t output[2]; 
    wchar_t inputChar = input[0];

    if (inputChar >= L'A' && inputChar <= L'Z') {
        inputChar = (inputChar - L'A' + 1) % 26 + L'A'; 
    else if (inputChar >= L'a' && inputChar <= L'z') {
        inputChar = (inputChar - L'a' + 1) % 26 + L'a'; 

    switch (inputChar) {
    case L'a': output[0] = L't'; break;

    default: output[0] = inputChar; break; 

    output[1] = L'\0'; 

    return SysAllocString(output); 

extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) void FreeBSTR(BSTR bstr) {

Its not the whole C++ Code, just testwise to make it work.

VBA Code:

Option Explicit

#If Win64 Then
    Private Declare PtrSafe Function LoadLibrary Lib "kernel32" Alias "LoadLibraryA" (ByVal lpLibFileName As String) As Long
    Private Declare PtrSafe Function crypt64 Lib "crypt64.dll" (ByVal inputs As String) As String
    Private Declare Function LoadLibrary Lib "kernel32" Alias "LoadLibraryA" (ByVal lpLibFileName As String) As Long
    Private Declare Function crypt32 Lib "crypt32.dll" Alias "_crypt32@4" (ByVal inputs As String) As String
#End If

Sub dllcheck(inputs As String)
    Dim dllPath As String, hModule As Long

    #If Win64 Then
        dllPath = ThisWorkbook.Path & "\Code\crypt64.dll"
        dllPath = ThisWorkbook.Path & "\Code\crypt32.dll"
    #End If

    hModule = LoadLibrary(dllPath)
    If hModule = 0 Then
        MsgBox "Error"
        Exit Sub
        MsgBox "Connected to DLL"
    End If
End Sub

Sub testconnect()

    Dim result As String

    #If Win64 Then
        dllcheck ""
        result = crypt64("5")
        MsgBox result
        dllcheck ""
        result = crypt32("5")
        MsgBox result
    #End If
End Sub

Here is my Dumpbin:

ordinal hint RVA      name

      1    0 00011055 FreeBSTR
      2    1 00011334 _crypt32@4

Thanks for reviewing.

Tried it without the __stdcall convention, tried to write a Header already, but couldnt get it started. I also used VBA Code that was directly linked to the path (Private Declare Function crypt32 Lib "Path\crypt32.dll" Alias "_crypt32@4" (ByVal inputs As String) As String)


  • I don't know why you need 2 functions or 2 files. Here's a simplified version.

    crypt.cpp (for current content, crypt.c would probably be a better name):

    #include <Windows.h>
    #include <OleAuto.h>
    #define CRYPT_EXPORT_API __declspec(dllexport)
    #if defined(__cplusplus)
    extern "C" {
    CRYPT_EXPORT_API BSTR crypt(const BSTR input);
    CRYPT_EXPORT_API void freeBSTR(BSTR bstr);
    #if defined(__cplusplus)
    BSTR crypt(const BSTR input)
        wchar_t output[2]; 
        wchar_t i0 = input[0];
        if ((i0 >= L'A') && (i0 <= L'Z')) {
            i0 = (i0 - L'A' + 1) % 26 + L'A'; 
        } else if ((i0 >= L'a') && (i0 <= L'z')) {
            i0 = (i0 - L'a' + 1) % 26 + L'a'; 
        switch (i0) {
        case L'a':
            output[0] = L't';
            output[0] = i0;
        output[1] = L'\0'; 
        return SysAllocString(output);
    void freeBSTR(BSTR bstr)

    Output (split in 2 parts for clarity):

    • Build:

      [cfati@CFATI-5510-0:e:\Work\Dev\StackExchange\StackOverflow\q079122180]> sopr.bat
      ### Set shorter prompt to better fit when pasted in StackOverflow (or other) pages ###
      [prompt]> dir /b
      [prompt]> :: Configure VS22 for 032bit
      [prompt]> "c:\Install\pc064\Microsoft\VisualStudioCommunity\2022\VC\Auxiliary\Build\vcvarsall.bat" x86 > nul
      [prompt]> cl /nologo /MD /DDLL crypt.cpp  /link /NOLOGO /DLL /OUT:libcrypt32.dll OleAut32.lib
         Creating library libcrypt32.lib and object libcrypt32.exp
      [prompt]> dir /b
      [prompt]> :: Configure VS22 for 064bit
      [prompt]> "c:\Install\pc064\Microsoft\VisualStudioCommunity\2022\VC\Auxiliary\Build\vcvarsall.bat" x64 > nul
      [prompt]> cl /nologo /MD /DDLL crypt.cpp  /link /NOLOGO /DLL /OUT:libcrypt64.dll OleAut32.lib
         Creating library libcrypt64.lib and object libcrypt64.exp
      [prompt]> dir /b
    • Test (same Cmd window):

      [prompt]> :: ---------- Check the 064bit .dll ----------
      [prompt]> :: Exports
      [prompt]> dumpbin /nologo /exports .\libcrypt64.dll
      Dump of file .\libcrypt64.dll
      File Type: DLL
        Section contains the following exports for libcrypt64.dll
          00000000 characteristics
          FFFFFFFF time date stamp
              0.00 version
                 1 ordinal base
                 2 number of functions
                 2 number of names
          ordinal hint RVA      name
                1    0 00001000 crypt
                2    1 00001100 freeBSTR
              1000 .data
              1000 .pdata
              1000 .rdata
              1000 .reloc
              1000 .text
      [prompt]> :: Architecture
      [prompt]> dumpbin /headers .\libcrypt64.dll | findstr "machine"
                  8664 machine (x64)
      [prompt]> :: ---------- Check the 032bit .dll ----------
      [prompt]> :: Exports
      [prompt]> dumpbin /nologo /exports .\libcrypt32.dll
      Dump of file .\libcrypt32.dll
      File Type: DLL
        Section contains the following exports for libcrypt32.dll
          00000000 characteristics
          FFFFFFFF time date stamp
              0.00 version
                 1 ordinal base
                 2 number of functions
                 2 number of names
          ordinal hint RVA      name
                1    0 00001000 crypt
                2    1 000010D0 freeBSTR
              1000 .data
              1000 .rdata
              1000 .reloc
              2000 .text
      [prompt]> :: Architecture
      [prompt]> dumpbin /headers .\libcrypt32.dll | findstr "machine"
                   14C machine (x86)
                         32 bit word machine

    Same function name, so the VBA code could be cleaned by that 064bit / 032bit ugliness (only thing that differs is the .dll name).
