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How do I extract Auth information from Express-served Firebase Function?

I'm using the strategy from this documentation to serve a microservice using Firebase Functions and Express.js:

Now what I want to do, is access a certain piece of data from Firebase Auth. Specifically, a field from the requesting user's custom claims. But if that's not accessible directly, I guess grabbing the user's email, phone, or UID would be a good start. Preferably, something that does not involve manually putting something in req.query, req.body or req.params

Is there a reliable way of doing it?


  • On the client-side:

    1.- This below asumes client request is authenticated. Check on the client the Authorization header, you'll see a Bearer token.

    On the server-side:

    2.- Get the token from the Authorization header. If using an express Request, it would be something like:

    const bearerToken = req.headers['authorization']?.split(' ')?.[1];

    3.- Use the Firebase Admin SDK to verify the token:

    const decodedToken = await getAuth().verifyIdToken(bearerToken);
    const uid = decodedToken.uid;

    4.- Use the uid property to find the user record with its custom claims:

    const userRecord = await getAuth().getUser(uid);