I have a question regarding dependency injection.
say i want to create a class call it, WebGetTask
WebGetTask would need a dependency to HttpService
bad code 1 Code:
private HttpService httpService;
List<WebGetTask> list = new ArrayList<WebGetTask>();
list.add(new WebGetTask(httpService));
ok. i know this is bad, because httpService is injected, but its never used, except for the creation on a new WebGetTask
ok bad code 2 Code:
private WebGetTaskFactory webGetTaskFactory;
List<WebGetTask> list = new ArrayList<WebGetTask>();
i think this is better, because we use a factory but... but..
from where i'm standing, i can see that in WebGetTaskFactory we are still injecting a HttpService and not doing anything to it except for the sole purpose of creating a new WebGetTask
so to recap my question is how do i design a factory class (WebGetTaskFactory), that creates new objects (WebGetTask) when the new objects require a dependency (HttpService) on their constructor without simply injecting and passing the dependency (HttpService) ? or rather, is this the way to do it? if so, then it's all good, if its not, then please guide me to how to properly use DI and factory pattern. thanks.
I'm going to assume that the code you have shown is part of a DownloadManager class, and that you inject your dependencies via the constructor. In this case, I would expect the start-up code which glues everything together to look like this:
IHttpService httpService = new HttpService();
IWebGetTaskFactory webGetTaskFactory = new WebGetTaskFactory(httpService);
IDownloadManager downloadManager = new DownloadManager(webGetTaskFactory);
The DownloadManager class only knows about the IWebGetTaskFactory interface. It does not know about IHttpService, thus satisfying the law of Demeter.
edit: After re-reading your question, it seems that you are worried that you are not "using" the HttpService in your factory, except to pass it on to a new WebGetTask. This is OK. Both WebGetTaskFactory and WebGetTask need an HttpService instance to do their job. This is not a violation of the law of Demeter.