Search code examples

How to remove lookup, search Web menu in swift

class CustomPDFView: PDFView {
    var toolMode: ToolMode = .none
    override func canPerformAction(_ action: Selector, withSender sender: Any?) -> Bool {
        switch toolMode {
        case .comment, .highlight, .translate :
            return false
        default :
            if action == #selector(copy(_:)) || action == #selector(selectAll(_:)) {
                return true
            return false

class originlaView: UIViewController {
    override func buildMenu(with builder: UIMenuBuilder) {
        super.buildMenu(with: builder)
        builder.remove(menu: .share)
        //builder.remove(menu: .lookup)

I cleared the 'lookup' menu, but the 'translate', 'searchWeb' menus were all cleared.
I would like to keep the 'translate' menu, but it seems to be included in the 'lookup' menu.

I also tried clearing 'lookup' and 'searchWeb' separately in 'canPerformAction()', but that didn't work.


  • The following implementation of buildMenu will result in the "Look Up" and "Search Web" menus no longer appearing. Comments in the code explain how this works.

    override func buildMenu(with builder: any UIMenuBuilder) {
        // Start by updating the Lookup menu.
        // The Lookup menu actually consists of the "Find Selection", "Look Up", and "Translate" commands.
        // The "Search Web" menu gets added to the Lookup menu after this buildMenu is called.
        // The goal is to show only the "Translate" menu. "Find Selection" is not normally shown so we only need
        // to remove the "Look Up" menu and somehow prevent the "Search Web" menu from being added automatically.
        // The following code locates the "Translate" command from within the "Lookup" menu. An updated array of
        // child commands is returned consisting of just the "Translate" command. As a side effect of returning
        // the modified list of children, the "Search Web" menu is no longer added. This achieves the goal of only
        // showing the "Translate" menu.
        builder.replaceChildren(ofMenu: .lookup) { oldChildren in
            // Enumerate the original child commands of the Lookup menu. As of this writing this will include:
            // "Find Selection"
            // "Look Up"
            // "Translate"
            for menuElement in oldChildren {
                if let command = menuElement as? UICommand {
                    if command.action == NSSelectorFromString("_translate:") {
                        // This is the "Translate" command. Return just this command as the updated children of
                        // the "Lookup" menu.
                        return [command]
            // If the "Translate" command isn't found, return the original children as a fallback. This results
            // in the standard menu being shown.
            return oldChildren
        // Also remove the Share menu
        builder.remove(menu: .share)