Using Firefox and the Angular wrapper for Monaco, I get this behaviour :
The content is not displayed properly : it is cropped by the parent component. How should I handle this case ? I registred the suggestion using the following code :
monaco.languages.registerHoverProvider(this.language, {
provideHover: function (model: any, position: any) {
const word = model.getWordAtPosition(position);
if (!word) return;
const info = suggestionsFromApi.filter(item => item.label === word.word)[0];
if (info) {
let documentationContent = []
documentationContent = => ({value: item}));
return {
range: new monaco.Range(
contents: documentationContent
return null;
I found out that using position: absolute
on the editor allow me visualise the help hover, but I cannot use this settings because it breaks all the content.
The solution is to add this to the editor options :
fixedOverflowWidgets: true,