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How to dynamically load libraries (more than one)?

Currently, due to the needs of my project, I am loading the libraries dynamically and the first time I load them I get errors and not all the graphics work.

I don't know how to correct the load so that it works correctly and I don't know the cause of why it fails.

Here is an image of the errors:

enter image description here

The libraries are loaded correctly, as far as I understand:

enter image description here

The js code I use to load the libraries is

for ( var i = 0; i < librerias.length; i++ ) {
    var rutaLibreria = librerias[ i ];
    //console.log( "Ruta de la librería:", rutaLibreria );

    var fechaActual = new Date();
    let timestamp = fechaActual.getTime();

    let fechaFormateada = new Date( timestamp ).toISOString().replace( /[^0-9]/g, '' );

    if (loadedCount === librerias.length) { 
        if ( !isScriptLoaded( rutaLibreria ) ) {
            console.log("Carganddo la ULTIMA libreria...");
            script = document.createElement( 'script' );
            script.type = 'text/javascript';
            script.src = `${rutaLibreria}?${fechaFormateada}`;
            script.onload = function () {
                Highcharts.chart( container, config );
            document.head.appendChild( script );
        console.log("Carganddo SOLO la libreria...");
        if ( !isScriptLoaded( rutaLibreria ) ) {
            script = document.createElement( 'script' );
            script.type = 'text/javascript';
            script.src = `${rutaLibreria}?${fechaFormateada}`;
            document.head.appendChild( script );


If someone could help me, I would greatly appreciate it.

What I'm trying to do is to do a dynamic library loading along with the graph configuration, so I can draw any graph as needed.

Added Detail

Indeed, I think it would not be possible to replicate. I will try to leave more details. The js code that I left is the one that loads the js libraries (librerias) in the header. the libraries arrive like this:


and the chart configuration (config) like this:

{"chart":{"type":"line"},"title":{"text":"Solar Employment Growth by Sector, 2010-2016"},"subtitle":{"text":"Source="},"yAxis":{"title":{"text":"Number of Employees"}},"xAxis":{"accessibility":{"rangeDescription":"Range= 2010 to 2017"}},"legend":{"layout":"vertical","align":"right","verticalAlign":"middle"},"plotOptions":{"series":{"label":{"connectorAllowed":false},"pointStart":2010}},"series":[{"name":"Installation","data":[43934,52503,57177,69658,97031,119931,137133,154175]},{"name":"Manufacturing","data":[24916,24064,29742,29851,32490,30282,38121,40434]},{"name":"Sales & Distribution","data":[11744,17722,16005,19771,20185,24377,32147,39387]},{"name":"Project Development","data":[0,0,7988,12169,15112,22452,34400,34227]},{"name":"Other","data":[12908,5948,8105,11248,8989,11816,18274,18111]}],"responsive":{"rules":[{"condition":{"maxWidth":500},"chartOptions":{"legend":{"layout":"horizontal","align":"center","verticalAlign":"bottom"}}}]}}

and when I run the graph like this:

Highcharts.chart(container, config );


  • I developed a component that attaches to projects (User Control for GeneXus) so that the developer can add his charts as needed. For this reason, I need to dynamically load JS libraries and the code provided ensures that these libraries are loaded, because I was getting errors and it is because the libraries were not loaded correctly. Basically, the code provided ensures that the libraries are loaded before invoking HighChart. I have everything working fine with the following code. The libraries have a list of dependencies in json format.

    función loadScripts(url) {
    return new Promise((resolver, rechazar) => {
        const script = document.createElement('script');
        script.src = url;
        script.onload = resolver;
        script.onerror = rechazar;
    función asincrónica loadHighcharts(lib)   {
    Try {
        para(const url of lib) {
            si(!isScriptLoaded(url)) {
                esperar loadScripts(url);
    } catch (error) {
        console.error("Error al cargar las librerías de Highcharts:", error);
    función isScriptLoaded(url) {
    var headContent = document.head.innerHTML;
    return headContent.includes(url);
    Función Cargar(configuración) {
    let json = gx.json.evalJSON(config);
    Highcharts.chart($ID, json);
    window.onload = loadHighcharts(librerías);