In a Laravel 10 / Nova 4.27 app, I want to show the published_at
field in the editor only if the status
field has the value ACTIVE
. Here is my current code:
Badge::make(__('Status'), 'status')->required()
->colors(ProductStatusEnum::getStatusColors(hexValue: true))->displayUsingLabels(),
Date::make(__('Published at'), 'published_at')
->displayUsing(fn($value) => $value ? DateConv::getFormattedDateTime($value) : '--')
->showOnDetail(function () use ($status) { // in view mode "/nova/resources/products/17"
return $status === ProductStatusEnum::ACTIVE;
->showOnUpdating(function () use ($status) { // in edit mode "/nova/resources/products/17/edit"
return $status === ProductStatusEnum::ACTIVE;
This setup works as expected when I open an existing model. However, is there a way to reactively show or hide the published_at
date input in the form, depending on which status
is selected?
If I try $field->visible
code by @Jon Menard I got error :
Method Laravel\Nova\Fields\Date::visible does not exist.
In Dependent Fields block of docs there are hide/show
methods example.
I try to follow it with code and defining depends method:
Date::make(__('Published at'), 'published_at')
->displayUsing(fn($value) => $value ? DateConv::getFormattedDateTime($value) : '--')
->dependsOn(['status'], function (Date $field, NovaRequest $request, FormData $formData) {
// Check if the status is 'ACTIVE'
\Log::info(' -000 $formData->string(status)::');
But checking in log file value of $formData->string(status)
I see empty
string(maybe because I use enum for status field(not simple string)).
I tried to debug values of $field
, $formData
vars butI did not how I can status field from them...
I checked file vendor/laravel/nova/src/Fields/FormData.php, it has some methods, but nothing for enum field.
Any hints how get value of status
field inside of dependsOn
block ?
Take a look at the dependsOn
functionality of a Laravel Nova Field.
Something like this might work:
Date::make(__('Published at'), 'published_at')
->displayUsing(fn($value) => $value ? DateConv::getFormattedDateTime($value) : '--')
->dependsOn(['status'], function (Date $field, NovaRequest $request, FormData $formData) {
// Check if the status is 'ACTIVE'
if ($formData->status === ProductStatusEnum::ACTIVE->value) {