I have the following variable definition:
variable "rule-configuration" {
description = "Configuration of the Firewall rules. The key is the name of the rule"
type = map(object({
priority = number
hub_prefix = string
spoke_prefixes = list(object({
name = string
cidr = string
I have the following resource definition:
resource "azurerm_firewall_policy_rule_collection_group" "this" {
name = "xxx"
firewall_policy_id = "xxx"
priority = 500
dynamic "network_rule_collection" {
for_each = var.firewall_configuration
content {
name = each.key
priority = each.value.priority
action = "Allow"
dynamic "rule" {
for_each = each.value.spoke_prefixes
content {
name = ??.value.name
source_addresses = [each.value.hub_prefix]
destination_addresses = [??.value.cidr]
protocols = ["Any"]
destination_ports = ["*"]
How can I make the nested for_each in the nested dynamic block work?
Terraform allows to specify the iterator what allows to use it for a nested for_each:
resource "azurerm_firewall_policy_rule_collection_group" "this" {
name = "xxx"
firewall_policy_id = "xxx"
priority = 500
dynamic "network_rule_collection" {
for_each = var.firewall_configuration
iterator = firewall_configuration
content {
name = firewall_configuration.key
priority = firewall_configuration.value.priority
action = "Allow"
dynamic "rule" {
for_each = each.value.spoke_prefixes
iterator = rule
content {
name = rule.value.name
source_addresses = [each.value.hub_prefix]
destination_addresses = [rule.value.cidr]
protocols = ["Any"]
destination_ports = ["*"]