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How to fit a quadratic model knowing the maximum in R?

I have a data frame x and y, and I know the maximum of y. I want to fit this data to a quadratic model. How can I do it in R knowing the maximum? If I didn't know the maximum, I would fit it with lm(y~x + I(x^2)). Can anyone has an idea about this? Thanks in advance!


  • You have to minimize the sum of squares subject to the constraint; lm doesn't allow for constraints like this, so you have to use a generic optimization function, such as optim. Here's one way it could be done.

    Make up some data. Here I'll say the known maximum is 50.

    d <- data.frame(x=seq(-5, 5, len=51))
    d$y <- 50 - 0.3*d$x^2 + rnorm(nrow(d))
    M <- 50

    Make a function to get the quadratic curve for points at x with given quadratic and linear coefficients and given maximum M. The calculus is straightforward; see duffymo's answer for details.

    qM <- function(a, b, x, M) {
      c <- M - (3*b^2)/(4*a)
      a*x^2 + b*x + c

    Make a function that get the sum of squares between a quadratic curve with given quadratic and linear coefficients and the data in d.

    ff <- function(ab, d, M) {
      p <- qM(ab[1], ab[2], d$x, M)
      y <- d$y

    Get the ordinary lm fit to use as starting values.

    m0 <- lm(y ~ I(x^2) + x, data=d)
    start <- coef(m0)[2:3]

    Optimize the coefficients in the ff function.

    o <- optim(start, ff, d=d, M=M)

    Make a plot showing how the fit has a max at 50; the original lm fit doesn't.

    xs <- seq(-5, 5, len=101)
    lines(xs, predict(m0, newdata=data.frame(x=xs)), col="gray")
    lines(xs, qM(o$par[1], o$par[2], xs, M))
    abline(h=50, lty=3)

    image comparing lm fit with my fit