I have in laravel inside the same App folder a class and a trait
namespace App;
class MyClass {
use myTrait;
public function showConst() {
echo $this->myTraitMethod();
namespace App;
class MyTrait {
public function myTraitMethod() {
return self::MY_CONST; // Undefined class constant 'MY_CONST'
return static::MY_CONST; // Undefined class constant 'MY_CONST'
return MyClass:MY_CONST; // This is the only one that works but I'm forcing the class name
the issue is that I cannot access MY_CONST except if I force the parent class name that is not a solution for me.
The issue is just with vscode, I mean the code runs fines with both self and static but vscode returns the error
Undefined class constant 'MY_CONST'
So after I understood that the issue was just in vscode, I found that is a known issue of Intelephense due the fact that in older php versions, constants could not be declared in php traits
the solution is to suppress the message using /** @disregard P1012 */ on top like this
namespace App;
class MyTrait {
public function myTraitMethod() {
/** @disregard P1012 */
return self::MY_CONST;