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Save Google sheet data onEdit in other sheet update duplicate data

I have two sheets one with entry and one with Data and script thet work onedit with Trigger.

function CopyRow() {
  var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
  var dataSht = ss.getSheetByName("database");
  var entSht = ss.getSheetByName("entry")
  var lastrow = dataSht.getLastRow();
  var adata = entSht.getRange("C4:I4").getValues();
  var bdata = entSht.getRange("C7:I7").getValues();
    var transposedValues = [];
  for (var i = 0; i < adata[0].length; i++) {
    for (var j = 0; j < adata.length; j++) {
  dataSht.getRange(lastrow + 1, 1, transposedValues.length, transposedValues[0].length).setValues(transposedValues);

 // dataSht.getRange(lastrow + 1, 1, 1, 5).setValues(dataRng);


function onEdit(){
  var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
  var entSht = ss.getSheetByName("entry")
  var cell = entSht.getRange("C4:G4")
if (cell.getA1Notation()){

  • How can i efect getA1Notation on multi Selected Cell ?
  • copy adata to colum A and bdata to Colum B??
  • before copy A data check value on same data just update Bcolum

code that work with e Objekt trigger and singel Cell

  function onEdit(e){ 
    if (e.range.getA1Notation() == "C4"){    


  • There are two sheets:

    • "entry"
      • containing new transaction data in row 4 and row 7
    • "database"
      • containing data in Columns A and B
      • Column A aligns to the data in row 4 of "entry"
      • Column B aligns to the data in row 7 of "entry"

    The goal is:

    • take the data in "entry"
      • check if an value in row 4 already appears in "database"
        • if yes, then update the value in Column B
        • if no, then append the row 4 and row 7 values to "database"

    Consider the following script.

    • "entry" values for Row 4 and Row 7 are obtained separately and converted to 1D arrays using flat()

    • "database" values for Columns A and B are obtained separately and also converted to 1D arrays using flat()

    • the script loops through the "entry" row 4 values looking for a match in "database" Column A

      • indexOf is used to find a match. a value of -1 indicated no match, a value >-1 indecated the array index value
        • if indexOf = -1 (no match is found) the "entry" row4 and corresponding row 7 values are added to a temporary array
        • if index <> -1 (match is found), the "database" Column B array value is updated
    • at the conclusion of the loop

      • the "database" Column B array is converted back to a 2D array, and the "database" range is updated using setValues()
      • the temporary array is copied to the bottom of "database"

    function copyEntry2Db() {
      var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet()
      var entrySheet = ss.getSheetByName("entry")
      var dbSheet = ss.getSheetByName("database")
      // get Entry sheet row 4 and 7 and flatten to 1D arrays
      var entryRow4 = entrySheet.getRange("C4:I4").getValues().flat()
      var entryRow7 = entrySheet.getRange("C7:I7").getValues().flat()
      // Logger.log(entryRow4) // DEBUG
      // Logger.log(entryRow7) // DEBUG
      // get database sheet columns A and B
      var dbSheetLR = dbSheet.getLastRow()
      // Logger.log("DEBUG: Last row of data on database = "+dbSheetLR+", so number of rows of data exlcuding header = "+(+dbSheetLR-1))
      var dbColAValues = dbSheet.getRange(2,1,dbSheetLR-1,1).getValues().flat()
      // Logger.log(dbColAValues) // DEBUG
       var dbColBValues = dbSheet.getRange(2,2,dbSheetLR-1,1).getValues().flat()
      // Logger.log(dbColBValues) // DEBUG
      // create a temporary array to hold values to add to database
      var tempArray = []
      // loop though the row4 entry values to find a match on db column A
      // if indexOf return value = -1, then no match, so add entry value to db
      // if indexOf returns value <. -1, then value is array index
      for (var i=0;i<entryRow4.length;i++){
        var idxMatch = dbColAValues.indexOf(entryRow4[i]);
        //Logger.log("DEBUG: The entry value = "+entryRow4[i]+", index match = "+idxMatch)
        if (idxMatch == -1 ){
          // no match, so add entry values to tempArray
          // Logger.log("matches value = the index = "+idxMatch+""+", Column A = "+entryRow4[i]+", new value = "+entryRow7[i])
          // match, so update dbColB value
          dbColBValues[i] = entryRow7[i]
      // Logger.log(tempArray) // DEBUG
      // Logger.log(dbColBValues) // DEBUG
      // convert dbColBValues to 2d array
      var nArr = [];
      while(dbColBValues.length > 0) {
      // Logger.log("DEBUG: the Column B range = "+dbSheet.getRange(2,2,nArr.length,1).getA1Notation())
      // update dbColBValues
      // copy new entry values to database Sheet
      // Logger.log("the target range = "+dbSheet.getRange(dbSheetLR+1,1,tempArray.length,2).getA1Notation())
      // format new "database" Column A values as ""

    SAMPLE - Entries


    SAMPLE - Database: Before


    SAMPLE - Database:After
