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why does Spirit not throw an qi::expectation_failure but just parse ok with unparsed lefts?

Its seems that Expectations are only relevant when Spirit already detected that a rule is applicable (from the start) or else the parsing will just fail

It's a simple C-Identifier rule and a Identfier:Identifier rule skipping spaces to show my misunderstanding

Live on Coliru

#include <boost/fusion/include/io.hpp>
#include <boost/phoenix.hpp>
#include <boost/spirit/include/qi.hpp>
#include <iomanip>
namespace qi = boost::spirit::qi;

namespace Ast
    struct Identifier : std::string

    struct A_B
        Identifier a;
        Identifier b;
} // namespace Ast


using Iter = std::string_view::const_iterator;

template <typename ValueType, typename RuleType>
void printing_parse_test( const RuleType& rule_, const std::vector<std::string>& tests )
    for( std::string_view test : tests )
            std::cout << "Parsing: '" << test << "'\n";
            Iter f = test.begin(), l = test.end();
            // ">> qi::omit[*qi::space]" at end to eat in-between rest spaces ...
            ValueType v;
            const bool ok = qi::parse( f, l, rule_ >> qi::omit[*qi::space], v );
            std::cout << "parse-result: " << ( ok ? "ok" : "failed" ) << "\n";
            const std::string left( f, l );
            if( ok )
                if( !left.empty() )
                    std::cout << "FAIL: parsed someway but left this '" << left << "'\n ";
                    std::cout << "OK: all parsed\n";
                if( !left.empty() )
                    std::cout << "FAIL: parse failed left this: '" << left << "'\n";
        catch( qi::expectation_failure<Iter> const& ef )
            auto f = begin( test );
            auto p = ef.first - test.begin();
            auto bol = test.find_last_of( "\r\n", p ) + 1;
            auto line = std::count( f, f + bol, '\n' ) + 1;
            auto eol = test.find_first_of( "\r\n", p );

            std::cout << " -> EXPECTED " << ef.what_ << " in line:" << line << " col:" << ( p - bol ) << "\n"
                      << test.substr( bol, eol - bol ) << "\n"
                      << std::setw( p - bol ) << ""
                      << "^--- here" << std::endl;
        std::cout << "--------------------\n";
    std::cout << "============\n";

int main()
    qi::rule<Iter, Ast::Identifier()> identifier_rule = qi::char_( "a-zA-Z_" ) > *qi::char_( "a-zA-Z0-9_" ); "identifier_rule" );
    printing_parse_test<Ast::Identifier>( identifier_rule, { "  test blib ", "", "23434", "a$", "test blub" } );

    qi::rule<Iter, Ast::A_B()> A_B_rule = qi::skip( qi::space )[( identifier_rule > ":" > identifier_rule )]; "A_B_rule" );
    printing_parse_test<Ast::A_B>( A_B_rule, { "e$:bd", "a", "", "23434", "a$", "a:$" } );

    return 0;


Parsing: '  test blib '
parse-result: failed
FAIL: parse failed left this: '  test blib '
Parsing: ''
parse-result: failed
Parsing: '23434'
parse-result: failed
FAIL: parse failed left this: '23434'
Parsing: 'a$'
parse-result: ok
FAIL: parsed someway but left this '$'
Parsing: 'test blub'
parse-result: ok
FAIL: parsed someway but left this 'blub'
Parsing: 'e$:bd'
 -> EXPECTED ":" in line:1 col:1
 ^--- here
Parsing: 'a'
 -> EXPECTED ":" in line:1 col:1
 ^--- here
Parsing: ''
parse-result: failed
Parsing: '23434'
parse-result: failed
FAIL: parse failed left this: '23434'
Parsing: 'a$'
 -> EXPECTED ":" in line:1 col:1
 ^--- here
Parsing: 'a:$'
 -> EXPECTED <identifier_rule> in line:1 col:2
  ^--- here


why do i not get an EXPECTED <identifier_rule> when parsing '23434', or empty string etc. with both rules? isn't my expectation that the string starts with an identifier? how can i archive that or is that something that will be a problem when combining my rules later?

and an additional question is why "a$" results only in ':' expected not the additional information that also identifier literals are ok (or is that more of an hint?)


  • You already correctly found the way to cause an expectation point.

    You can further simplify by using a skipper and qi::eoi to check that all input is consumed. I'd suggest the simplified listing:

    Live On Coliru

    // #define BOOST_SPIRIT_DEBUG
    #include <boost/phoenix.hpp>
    #include <boost/spirit/include/qi.hpp>
    #include <iomanip>
    namespace qi = boost::spirit::qi;
    namespace Ast {
        struct Identifier : std::string {};
        struct QualifiedId { Identifier a, b; };
    } // namespace Ast
    BOOST_FUSION_ADAPT_STRUCT(Ast::QualifiedId, a, b)
    using It = std::string_view::const_iterator;
    template <typename Attr, typename Skipper>
    void run_tests(qi::rule<It, Attr(), Skipper> const& rule_, std::vector<std::string> const& tests) {
        std::cout << "======[ " << boost::core::demangle(typeid(Attr).name()) << " ]======" << std::endl;
        for (std::string_view test : tests) {
            It f = test.begin(), l = test.end();
            try {
                std::cout << "Parsing: " << quoted(test);
                Attr  v;
                bool  ok;
                if constexpr (std::is_same_v<Skipper, qi::unused_type>)
                    ok = qi::parse(f, l, qi::eps > rule_ > qi::eoi, v);
                    ok = qi::phrase_parse(f, l, qi::eps > rule_ > qi::eoi, Skipper{}, v);
                std::cout << (ok ? "OK" : "FAIL") << " Remaining: " << quoted(std::string(f, l)) << "\n";
            } catch (qi::expectation_failure<It> const& ef) {
                auto p    = ef.first - test.begin();
                auto bol  = test.find_last_of("\r\n", p) + 1;
                auto line = std::count(f, f + bol, '\n') + 1;
                auto eol  = test.find_first_of("\r\n", p);
                std::cout << " -> EXPECTED " << ef.what_ << " in line:" << line << " col:" << (p - bol) << "\n"
                          << "    " << test.substr(bol, eol - bol) << "\n"
                          << "    " << std::setw(p - bol) << "" << "^--- here\n";
            std::cout << "--------------------\n";
    int main() {
        qi::rule<It, Ast::Identifier()>                  id = qi::char_("a-zA-Z_") >> *qi::char_("a-zA-Z0-9_");
        qi::rule<It, Ast::QualifiedId(), qi::space_type> qualId = qi::eps > id > ":" > id;
        run_tests(id, {"  test blib ", "", "23434", "a$", "test blub"});
        run_tests(qualId, {"e$:bd", "a", "", "23434", "a$", "a:$"});

    Which prints

    ======[ Ast::Identifier ]======
    Parsing: "  test blib " -> EXPECTED <id> in line:1 col:0
          test blib 
        ^--- here
    Parsing: "" -> EXPECTED <id> in line:1 col:0
        ^--- here
    Parsing: "23434" -> EXPECTED <id> in line:1 col:0
        ^--- here
    Parsing: "a$" -> EXPECTED <eoi> in line:1 col:1
         ^--- here
    Parsing: "test blub" -> EXPECTED <eoi> in line:1 col:4
        test blub
            ^--- here
    ======[ Ast::QualifiedId ]======
    Parsing: "e$:bd" -> EXPECTED ":" in line:1 col:1
         ^--- here
    Parsing: "a" -> EXPECTED ":" in line:1 col:1
         ^--- here
    Parsing: "" -> EXPECTED <id> in line:1 col:0
        ^--- here
    Parsing: "23434" -> EXPECTED <id> in line:1 col:0
        ^--- here
    Parsing: "a$" -> EXPECTED ":" in line:1 col:1
         ^--- here
    Parsing: "a:$" -> EXPECTED <id> in line:1 col:2
          ^--- here