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Override Symfony / EasyAdmin default translation

How do I override or replace a default translation of a flash message in EasyAdmin?

I want to change the text that is shown when an entity is deleted for one Crud Controller but don't know how.

Writing a custom twig file seems excessive when I just want to replace a text.

I'm using easyadmin-bundle: 4.6

Dialog where I want to change text


  • I could not overwrite the translation so i removed the delete action and added my own action in the crud controller:

    public function configureActions(Actions $actions): Actions
        $actions = parent::configureActions($actions);
        $actions->remove(Crud::PAGE_INDEX, Action::DELETE);
        $actions->add(Crud::PAGE_INDEX, $this->archiveAction());
        return $actions;
    private function archiveAction(): Action
        return Action::new('archive', 'action.archive')
                'onclick' => 'return confirm('Do you want to archive this item?']);