I am using Power BI with Direct Query mode pulling data in from Snowflake. The request has the restriction of not being allowed to join or merge tables.
Table 1 is a list of orders with a Priority value.
order_id | priority |
AB001 | 17 |
AB002 | 35 |
AB003 | 70 |
AB004 | 24 |
Table 2 is a list of Priorities with a priority from value and to value.
fr_priority | to_priority | descr |
1 | 20 | PM |
21 | 40 | Routine |
41 | 60 | Urgent |
61 | 80 | Emergency |
The end goal for the visualization is to have a column showing the order ID from Table 1 and the priority description from Table 2.
order_id | priority_description |
AB001 | PM |
AB002 | Routine |
AB003 | Emergency |
AB004 | Routine |
Adding a new column from model view to Table 1 does not allow referencing Table 2 columns or DAX functions. In T-SQL, I would normally join the tables:
select T1.order_id, T2.descr
from Table_1 T1 with(nolock)
left outer join Table_2 T2 with(nolock) on T2.fr_priority <= T1.priority and T2.to_priority >= T1.priority
How can this be achieved in Power BI direct query mode without a join query being sent to Snowflake?
you can try to create a column
Column =
'Table 2',
'Table 1'[priority] >= 'Table 2'[fr_priority]
&& 'Table 1'[priority] <= 'Table 2'[to_priority]
'Table 2'[descr]
if you want to create a measure,you can try this
Measure =
'Table (2)',
MAX ( 'Table'[priority] ) >= 'Table (2)'[fr_priority]
&& MAX ( 'Table'[priority] ) <= 'Table (2)'[to_priority]
'Table (2)'[descr]