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List of components not rendered correctly after deleting one child

I've a list of objects that are loaded into a for-loop of child components. For each child, there is a button that allow me to remove the selected child.

The deleted child is deleted correctly from the list but, when rendered, only the last child is removed.

I don't know what I'm doing wrong.

Here is an example : enter image description here

The result : enter image description here

Here is the code from the parent :

    v-for="(route, index) in form.current_routes"

Here is how I remove the child item:

removeCurrentRoute(index) {
  this.form.current_routes.splice(index, 1);

Here is the child component:

      <select v-model="organization" :class="['form-select', {'is-invalid': organizationError}]" @change.prevent="updateOrganization()">
        <option value="">------</option>
        <option v-for="org in organizations" :key="" :value="org" :selected=" ===">{{ }}</option>
      <div v-for="error of this.v$.organization.$errors" :key="error.$uid" :class="[{'invalid-feedback': organizationError}]">{{ error.$message }}</div>
    <td class="col-2">
      <input type="number" v-model="number_of_routes" :class="['form-control', {'is-invalid': numberOfRoutesError}]" step="1" min="0" @keyup="updateNumberOfRoutes">
      <div v-for="error of this.v$.number_of_routes.$errors" :key="error.$uid" :class="[{'invalid-feedback': numberOfRoutesError}]">{{ error.$message }}</div>
    <td class="text-end">
        <a href="#" @click.prevent="removeRoute()">
          <font-awesome-icon :icon="['far', 'trash-can']" />

import { useVuelidate } from '@vuelidate/core'
import { requiredIf, helpers, minValue } from "@vuelidate/validators"

export default {
  name: 'RouteFormRow',
  props: {
    index: Number,
    route: Object,
    organizations: Array,
    completed: Boolean
  setup() {
    return { v$: useVuelidate() };
  data() {
    return {
      organization: this.route.organization,
      number_of_routes: this.route.number_of_routes,
  validations() {
    return {
      organization: { required: helpers.withMessage('Ce champ est obligatoire', requiredIf(this.completed)) },
      number_of_routes: {
        required: helpers.withMessage('Ce champ est obligatoire', requiredIf(this.completed)),
        minValue: helpers.withMessage('Assurez-vous que cette valeur est supérieure ou égale à 0.', minValue(0)),
  computed: {
    organizationError () {return this.v$.organization.$errors.length > 0},
    numberOfRoutesError () {return this.v$.number_of_routes.$errors.length > 0},
  methods: {
    updateOrganization() {
      this.$emit('onUpdateOrganization', this.index, this.organization);
    updateNumberOfRoutes() {
      this.$emit('onUpdateNumberOfRoutes', this.index, this.number_of_routes)
    removeRoute() {
      this.$emit('onRemoveRoute', this.index);

Here is the result when data is loaded and after I clicked on "delete" : enter image description here


  • I found the problem.

    As @EstusFlask mentioned, I should not use the index as key.

    After further investigation, I replaced :key="index" with :key="route".

    Now it works fine.