I've a simple ASP.NET Core Web API that processes large size documents (> 10 MB < 50 MB). Basically it reads a document from CRM like Salesforce processes it with Aspose and send the processed documents to multiple destinations like Salesforce, Email etc.
Instead of using byte array I thought of using streams but my question is after I process the document I get an output stream and how can I send a single output stream to multiple systems in parallel? Since streams are single threaded do I need to clone the stream? Cloning will again cause memory issues right? How we can handle large size documents in a memory efficient way and yet I can send to multiple destinations in parallel.
Indeed, a single Stream
cannot reasonably be shared by multiple consumers. Making suggestions here would really need a lot more context of how these systems work and what kind of access they need to the data, but a few thoughts off-hand:
, and have all consumers indicate back when they're done with it, so you can recycle the chunks