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Managing several Alerts for the same Button while avoiding the deprecated Alert struct and using the instance method instead

Before Alert became deprecated, I used to manage different Alerts of a View by introducing an AlertState:

enum AlertState: Identifiable {
    case associatedIngredient
    case confirmDelete
    var id: AlertState { self }

I had variable in my View:

@State private var activeAlert: FoodItemViewSheets.AlertState?

which I would set the AlertState with:

// Delete the food item
Button("Delete", systemImage: "trash") {
    if foodItemVM.hasAssociatedFoodItem() {
        // Check if FoodItem is related to an Ingredient
        if !foodItemVM.canBeDeleted() {
            self.activeAlert = .associatedIngredient
        } else {
            self.activeAlert = .confirmDelete

... and later:

.alert(item: $activeAlert) {

This function would then deliver the right Alert:

private func alertContent(_ state: AlertState) -> Alert {
    switch state {
    case .confirmDelete:
        return Alert(
            title: Text("Delete food"),
            message: Text("Do you really want to delete this food item? This cannot be undone!"),
            primaryButton: .default(
                Text("Do not delete")
            secondaryButton: .destructive(
                action: deleteFoodItemOnly
    case .associatedIngredient:
        return Alert(
            title: Text("Cannot delete food"),
            message: Text("This food item is in use in a recipe, please remove it from the recipe before deleting.")

As Alert is deprecated, how to get this kind of behavior (two different alerts associated with the same button) to work with the new alert(_:isPresented:presenting:actions:message:) instance method?


  • You only need one extra @State for passing to the isPresented: parameter. The rest are all pretty self-explanatory. You'd just use switch statements to provide the title, message, and actions as you were already doing. It's just that you are returning View, instead of Alert.

    @State private var alertPresented = false
    @State private var activeAlert: AlertState?
    // this flag controls which alert to show in this toy example
    @State private var flag = false
    var body: some View {
        // as an example, I will use a toggle to control which alert to show
        Toggle("", isOn: $flag)
        Button("Delete", systemImage: "trash") {
            if flag {
                self.activeAlert = .associatedIngredient
            } else {
                self.activeAlert = .confirmDelete
        .alert(alertTitle, isPresented: $alertPresented, presenting: activeAlert) {
            alertActions(for: $0)
        } message: {
            alertMessage(for: $0)
        .onChange(of: activeAlert) { oldValue, newValue in
            if oldValue == nil && newValue != nil {
                alertPresented = true
            } else if oldValue != nil && newValue == nil {
                alertPresented = false
    func alertMessage(for alert: AlertState) -> some View {
        switch alert {
        case .associatedIngredient:
            Text("Do you really want to delete this food item? This cannot be undone!")
        case .confirmDelete:
            Text("This food item is in use in a recipe, please remove it from the recipe before deleting.")
    func alertActions(for alert: AlertState) -> some View {
        switch alert {
        case .associatedIngredient:
            Button("OK", role: .cancel) {}
        case .confirmDelete:
            Button("Do not delete", role: .cancel) { }
            Button("Delete", role: .destructive) {
                // ...
    var alertTitle: String {
        switch activeAlert {
        case .associatedIngredient:
            "Cannot delete food"
        case .confirmDelete:
            "Delete food"
        case nil: