As an experienced .NET developer, I am interested in learning the Ruby on Rails development process. I have experience with ASP.NET WebForms and MVC, and I have used PHP as well. I have gone through some basic RoR tutorials and was able to get them working.
This question deals more specifically with the tools and development process for this type of development since it is different from what I'm used to. What are the typical tools (development, testing, deployment) used to manage the development lifecycle and get a website into production besides Rake? Is there anything I need to change about my fundamental thought process versus developing for .NET?
For development, I personally love TextMate, but I've heard RubyMine is fantastic.
For testing, I would look into Rspec & Cucumber.
For deployment, Capistrano, hands down.
Also, an afterthought, Passenger 3 + Apache is really, really nice (and simple!).
(for both development and production environments)