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Is it possible to completely control v-menu state from model-value?

I have following code

    <template #activator="{ props }">
      <v-text-field v-bind="props" label="Choose an animal"></v-text-field>
      <v-list-item title="Cat"></v-list-item>
      <v-list-item title="Dog"></v-list-item>
      <!-- etc. -->

I was wondering, is it possible to completely control v-menu state from model-value prop?

Why do I need it?

Because I'd like to disable following features:

  • I don't want it to close when I click outside of it.
  • I don't want it to open/close when I click on the text field.
  • I want to open it programmatically when the animal list (retrieved from a BE service) is receieved.

I checked the official documentation, but I didn't find anything useful. It could also be that the v-menu is not the proper component to achieve my goal.


  • There are props to do all these things listed in the VMenu API documentation

    • I don't want it to close when I click outside of it.

    use persistent prop

    • I don't want it to open/close when I click on the text field.

    set open-on-click prop to false

    • I want to open it programmatically when the animal list (retrieved from a BE service) is receieved.

    use model-value and set to true to open programmatically

    const openMenu = ref(false)
    function apiCall() {
      api.get(...).then(() => { openMenu = true })

    Additionally, there's a prop that works with persistent if you don't prefer the bounce animation that plays by default when clicking outside the persistent menu, which is no-click-animation. Feel free to add that one too if you prefer.