I'm configuring a tooltip for a custom button and assigning a method to a (touchstart) event, because hover event for primeng tooltip is not working in tablet or mobiles.
This is the code for the method:
onTouch() {
this.tooltip.hideDelay = 5000;
The problem is that the delay is not working, when I release the touch the tooltip disappear. I need the tooltip to remain after touch is released for 5 seconds.
How should I do it? Tried timeout and left properties but not working.
modify your template to handle both touchstart and touchend events:
<button pTooltip="Your tooltip text"
Button Text
Then in your component, implement the logic to manage the tooltip visibility:
export class YourComponent {
@ViewChild('tt') tooltip: any;
private tooltipTimer: any;
onTouchStart(event: TouchEvent) {
event.preventDefault(); // Prevent default touch behavior
onTouchEnd() {
// Clear any existing timer
if (this.tooltipTimer) {
// Set new timer to hide tooltip after 5 seconds
this.tooltipTimer = setTimeout(() => {
}, 5000);
ngOnDestroy() {
// Clean up timer when component is destroyed
if (this.tooltipTimer) {