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How to Correct Sign Issues in Python-LaTeX Code?

This python code

import random

# Generate random values of k and m between 1 and 5
k = random.randint(1, 5)
m = random.randint(1, 5)

# Calculate necessary variables
m_k = m - k
m_1 = m - 1
m_plus = m + 1
k_1 = k - 1
k_plus = k + 1

# Create  with the correct answer marked
answers = [
    f"\\checkmark \\; \\frac{{(n+{m}) !}}{{{k} ! (n+{m_k}) !}}",  # Correct answer
    f"\\frac{{(n+{m_1}) !}}{{{k_1} ! (n+{m_k}) !}}",  # Wrong answer
    f"\\frac{{(n+{m_plus}) !}}{{{k_plus} ! (n+{m_k}) !}}",  # Wrong answer
    f"\\frac{{(n+{m}) !}}{{{k_plus} ! (n+{m_k}) !}}"  # Wrong answer

# Mix the answers

# Generate text in LaTeX format
latex_output = f"""
After simplifying the expression
$$\\frac{{(n+{m_1}) !}}{{{k} ! (n+{m-k-1}) !}} + \\frac{{(n+{m_1}) !}}{{{k-1}! (n+{m-k})!}}$$
indicate which of the following results is correct:

\\square \\; {answers[0]} \\quad\\quad \\square \\; {answers[1]} \\quad\\quad \\square \\; {answers[2]} \\quad\\quad \\square \\; {answers[3]}


The code generates a math quiz in LaTeX format with a question and four multiple-choice answers, one of which is correct. It randomly selects values for k and m between 1 and 5, calculates derived variables, creates the answers using factorial expressions, and shuffles them. Finally, it prints the LaTeX-formatted text to present the question and answers.

The fact is that sometimes I obtain results like this:

After simplifying the expression
$$\frac{(n+0) !}{1 ! (n+-1) !} + \frac{(n+0) !}{0! (n+0)!}$$
indicate which of the following results is correct:

\square \; \frac{(n+2) !}{2 ! (n+0) !} \quad\quad \square \; \checkmark \; \frac{(n+1) !}{1 ! (n+0) !} \quad\quad \square \; \frac{(n+1) !}{2 ! (n+0) !} \quad\quad \square \; \frac{(n+0) !}{0 ! (n+0) !}

The things I don't like are: expressions like (n+0)! where I would prefer just n!; and the +- signs that should denote a minus sign for the product of the signs but I can't manage to change. Do you have any suggestions regarding this?


  • You can try the following:

    import random
    # Generate random values of k and m between 1 and 5
    k = random.randint(1, 5)
    m = random.randint(1, 5)
    def f(m):
        if m > 0:
            s = f"(n+{m})!"
        elif m < 0:
            s = f"(n{m})!"
            s = "n!"
        return s
    def g(m, k):
        return rf"\frac{{{f(m)}}}{{{k}!{f(m-k)}}}"
    # Create  with the correct answer marked
    answers = [
        rf"\blacksquare \; {g(m, k)}",  # Correct answer
        rf"\square \; {g(m-1, k-1)}",  # Wrong answer
        rf"\square \; {g(m+1, k+1)}",  # Wrong answer
        rf"\square \; {g(m, k+1)}"  # Wrong answer
    # Mix the answers
    answers = "\\quad\\quad\n".join(answers)
    # Generate text in LaTeX format
    latex_output = f"""
    After simplifying the expression
    {g(m-1, k)} + {g(m-1, k-1)}
    indicate which of the following results is correct: