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the trait `diesel::Expression` is not implemented for `IpNetwork`, which is required by `&'insert IpNetwork: AsExpression<diesel::sql_types::Inet>`

I add a postgresql table net_test like this:

CREATE TABLE public.net_test (
    net inet NOT NULL,
    id int8 NOT NULL,

then add diesel model file like this which followed

use std::fmt::Display;

use serde::Serialize;
use serde::Deserialize;
use crate::model::diesel::dolphin::dolphin_schema::*;
use bigdecimal::BigDecimal;
use chrono::DateTime;
use chrono::offset::Utc;
use ipnetwork::IpNetwork;
    #[diesel(table_name = net_test)]
    pub struct NetTest {
        pub net: IpNetwork,
        pub id: i64,

this is the schema file:

table! {
    net_test (id) {
        net -> Inet,
        id -> Int8,

when I compile the project, shows error like this:

the trait `diesel::Expression` is not implemented for `IpNetwork`, which is required by `&'insert IpNetwork: AsExpression<diesel::sql_types::Inet>`

what should I do to fixed this issue? this is the diesel dependency config:

diesel = { version = "2.2.1", features = [
] }


  • Enable the "network-address" feature instead. The "ipnet-address" feature is for enabling support for ipnet types, but you aren't using that crate; you're using the ipnetwork crate.