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Using python/sympy to find quadratic form of a matrix

I want to find the quadratic form of A, but what I get from $P^TAP$ is not in quadratic form:

A = Matrix([[4,4,0,-3], [4,4,3,0], [0,3,4,4], [-3,0,4,4]])
eigen_data = A.eigenvects()
eigenvectors = [vec.transpose() for val, mult, vecs in eigen_data for vec in vecs]

P = Matrix(eigenvectors).transpose()

The columns here is not unit vectors. Noting that all columns have norm $\frac{5/sqrt{2}}{3}$, I did:

PU = P/5/sqrt(2)*3

But this doesn't have just diagonal entries, so it's something that goes wrong...:



  • Your matrix is symmetric (so should have N orthonormal eigenvectors). However, it also has repeated eigenvalues (so the library routines won't necessarily find them - you'd have to find an orthonormal set by Gram-Schmidt or similar).

    As already pointed out, this means that you can't assume P(transpose) is the same as P(inverse), and the general diagonalisation should be done with P^(-1), not P^(T).

    Here with standard numpy routines:

    import numpy as np
    A = np.array( [ [4,4,0,-3], [4,4,3,0], [0,3,4,4], [-3,0,4,4] ] )
    L, P = np.linalg.eig( A )              # columns of P are the eigenvectors
    print( "Eigenvalues:", L )
    np.set_printoptions(formatter={'float': "{:8.4f}\t".format})
    print( "\nP matrix:\n", P )
    print( "\nP^T A P =\n", (P.T) @ A @ P )
    print( "\nP^-1 A P =\n", np.linalg.inv(P) @ A @ P )


    Eigenvalues: [ 9. -1.  9. -1.]
    P matrix:
     [[  0.7071    0.7071     -0.0196      0.1715   ]
     [  0.5657    -0.5657     -0.4398      0.2744   ]
     [  0.0000     0.0000     -0.7068     -0.6860   ]
     [ -0.4243     0.4243     -0.5537      0.6517   ]]
    P^T A P =
     [[  9.0000   -0.0000     -0.2499      0.0000   ]
     [ -0.0000    -1.0000      0.0000     -0.2425   ]
     [ -0.2499     0.0000      9.0000     -0.0000   ]
     [ -0.0000    -0.2425     -0.0000     -1.0000   ]]
    P^-1 A P =
     [[  9.0000   -0.0000      0.0000      0.0000   ]
     [ -0.0000    -1.0000     -0.0000      0.0000   ]
     [  0.0000     0.0000      9.0000     -0.0000   ]
     [ -0.0000    -0.0000      0.0000     -1.0000   ]]