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CompileException occurs when compile .cu file with cupy

I have a .cu file with these heads:

#include </usr/include/features.h>
#include </usr/include/assert.h>
#include </usr/include/stdio.h>

When I use nvcc command to compile this file, it passed, but when I use cupy.RawKernel() to execute code in this .cu file, it crashed with this:

PyDev console: starting.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/username/.local/share/JetBrains/IntelliJIdea2024.2/python/helpers-pro/pydevd_asyncio/", line 117, in _exec_async_code
    result = func()
  File "<input>", line 1, in <module>
  File "cupy/_core/raw.pyx", line 93, in cupy._core.raw.RawKernel.__call__
  File "cupy/_core/raw.pyx", line 100, in cupy._core.raw.RawKernel.kernel.__get__
  File "cupy/_core/raw.pyx", line 117, in cupy._core.raw.RawKernel._kernel
  File "cupy/_util.pyx", line 64, in cupy._util.memoize.decorator.ret
  File "cupy/_core/raw.pyx", line 538, in cupy._core.raw._get_raw_module
  File "cupy/_core/core.pyx", line 2265, in cupy._core.core.compile_with_cache
  File "cupy/_core/core.pyx", line 2283, in cupy._core.core.compile_with_cache
  File "/home/username/.conda/envs/torchhydro1/lib/python3.11/site-packages/cupy/cuda/", line 498, in _compile_module_with_cache
    return _compile_with_cache_cuda(
  File "/home/username/.conda/envs/torchhydro1/lib/python3.11/site-packages/cupy/cuda/", line 577, in _compile_with_cache_cuda
    ptx, mapping = compile_using_nvrtc(
  File "/home/username/.conda/envs/torchhydro1/lib/python3.11/site-packages/cupy/cuda/", line 333, in compile_using_nvrtc
    return _compile(source, options, cu_path,
  File "/home/username/.conda/envs/torchhydro1/lib/python3.11/site-packages/cupy/cuda/", line 317, in _compile
    compiled_obj, mapping = prog.compile(options, log_stream)
  File "/home/username/.conda/envs/torchhydro1/lib/python3.11/site-packages/cupy/cuda/", line 711, in compile
    raise CompileException(log, self.src,, options,
cupy.cuda.compiler.CompileException: /usr/include/features.h(439): catastrophic error: cannot open source file "stdc-predef.h"
1 catastrophic error detected in the compilation of "/tmp/tmpjszp_wuk/".
Compilation terminated.

So how to quote correct head files rather than put all files in #include


  • change backend parameter to 'nvcc' when use cupy.RawKernel() will solve it.