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CMD command line argument passing in batch script

using CMD and batch scripting, how can I give in my batch script a command line argument like /user=something and then how to get this value inside the script ? I tried the below simple script but it does not work. The script is:

@echo off

REM Loop through each command-line argument
for %%A in (%*) do (
    REM Check if the argument starts with "/user="
    if /i "%%A"=="%A:/user=*" (
        REM Extract the value after "/user="
        set "user=%%A:~6%"

REM Check if the user variable was set and display it
if defined user (
    echo User is %user%
) else (
    echo No user argument was provided

The result was: No user argument was provided

How can accomplish it ? Thanks


  • There's some things to keep in mind when parsing arguments using a plain For:

    • Unqouted Arguments will be split using the standard for delimiters, which include: ' ' ',' '=' ';'
    • '?' and '*' are wildcards of the for command and will result in undesired behaviour if provided by the user.
    • '^' '&' '>' '<' '|' '!' and '%' are considered poison characters and can likewise result in unintended behaviour and / or code execution.

    All that said, if the input can be trusted, what your aiming for can be done by using a variable and it's defined status to effect a switch statement when the /User string is encountered.

    @echo off
    Setlocal EnableExtensions
    Set "UserArg="
    For %%G in (%*)do (
      If defined UserArg (
        Set "UserArg="
        Set "User=%%~G"
      If /i "%%G" == "/User" Set "UserArg=1"
    Endlocal & Goto:eof