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Pass international phone format while updating phone number with Quickbase Restful API

I need to pass phone numbers from a third party app to Quickbase via the Restful API. We receive phone numbers from outside the United States, so I need to pass in the country format as well as the phone number.

After all my research, it seems like you can only change the country format through the Quickbase user interface. However, if there is a way to not have users do double the work, that would be ideal.


  • You can update this property using the Fields API

      "properties": {
        "useI18NFormat": true

    Will reflect as this change in the UI Field Settings: enter image description here

    Then when you use the Records API to add/update a phone number, include the country code in the string value you pass in the Records API to add or update a record, and the country will be reflected when the user in the application.

      "data": [
          "18": {
            "value": "+52-111-222-3333"

    enter image description here