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How can I merge agents into a different type agent using multiagents?

Starting from the example Continuous space social distancing, I'm trying to create a model that involves merging each pair of nearby agents into an agent of a different type, with other properties.

using Agents

@agent struct Single(ContinuousAgent{2, Float64})
  mass :: Float64
  propertyA :: Integer

@agent struct Double(ContinuousAgent{2, Float64})
  mass :: Float64
  propertyB :: Float64
  propertyC :: Integer

using Random

agent_step!(agent, model) = move_agent!(agent, model, model.dt)

function merge_agents!(a1, a2, model)
    new_mass = a1.mass + a2.mass
    new_pos = ((a1.pos[1]+a2.pos[1])/2.0, (a1.pos[2]+a2.pos[2])/2.0)
    new_vel = sincos(2π * rand(abmrng(model))) .* 0.0
    add_agent!(Double, model; pos = new_pos, vel = new_vel, mass = new_mass, propertyB = 20.0, propertyC = 5)
    remove_agent!(a1, model)
    remove_agent!(a2, model)

function model_step!(model)
    for (a1, a2) in interacting_pairs(model, 0.01, :nearest)
        if isa(a1, Single) && isa(a2, Single)
            merge_agents!(a1, a2, model)

function ball_model(; speed = 0.002)
    space2d = ContinuousSpace((1, 1); spacing = 0.02)
    model = StandardABM(Union{Single, Double}, space2d; agent_step!, model_step!, properties = Dict(:dt => 1.0),rng = MersenneTwister(42))
    for ind in 1:100
        new_pos = Tuple(rand(abmrng(model), 2))
        new_vel = sincos(2π * rand(abmrng(model))) .* speed
        add_agent!(Single, model; pos = new_pos, vel = new_vel, mass = 1.0, propertyA = 10)
    return model   

model = ball_model()

using CairoMakie

    title = "Merging agents (Union)",
    frames = 500,
    dt = 1,
    framerate = 25,
    agent_size = agent -> isa(agent, Double) ? 20 : 10,
    agent_color = agent -> isa(agent, Double) ? :blue : :green

The code above works as desired.

Agents of the types Single (smaller blue disks) and Double (larger green disks).

However, I've seen that the Agents.jl documentation recommends using @multiagent instead of Union, so I tried to adapt the code accordingly:

using Agents

@agent struct Single(ContinuousAgent{2, Float64})
  mass :: Float64
  propertyA :: Integer

@agent struct Double(ContinuousAgent{2, Float64})
  mass :: Float64
  propertyB :: Float64
  propertyC :: Integer

@multiagent Nucleus(Single, Double) <: AbstractAgent

using Random

agent_step!(agent, model) = move_agent!(agent, model, model.dt)

function merge_agents!(a1, a2, model)
    new_mass = a1.mass + a2.mass
    new_pos = ((a1.pos[1]+a2.pos[1])/2.0, (a1.pos[2]+a2.pos[2])/2.0)
    new_vel = sincos(2π * rand(abmrng(model))) .* 0.0
    new_agent = Nucleus(Double(model, new_pos, new_vel, new_mass, 20.0, 5))
    add_agent!(new_agent, model)
    remove_agent!(a1, model)
    remove_agent!(a2, model)

function model_step!(model)
    for (a1, a2) in interacting_pairs(model, 0.01, :nearest)
        if isa(a1, Single) && isa(a2, Single)
            merge_agents!(a1, a2, model)

function ball_model(; speed = 0.002)
    space2d = ContinuousSpace((1, 1); spacing = 0.02)
    model = StandardABM(Nucleus, space2d; agent_step!, model_step!, properties = Dict(:dt => 1.0),rng = MersenneTwister(42))
    for ind in 1:100
        new_pos = Tuple(rand(abmrng(model), 2))
        new_vel = sincos(2π * rand(abmrng(model))) .* speed
        new_agent = Nucleus(Single(model, new_pos, new_vel, 1.0, 10))
        add_agent_own_pos!(new_agent, model)
    return model

model = ball_model()

using CairoMakie

    title = "Merging agents (multiagent)",
    frames = 500,
    dt = 1,
    framerate = 25,
    agent_size = agent -> isa(agent, Double) ? 20 : 10,
    agent_color = agent -> isa(agent, Double) ? :blue : :green

Now, the agents don't merge anymore.

Agents of the type Single (smaller blue disks) that don't merge into agents of the type anymore.

What am I doing wrong?


  • The Agents.@multiagent (currently v6.1) documentation says

    @multiagent YourAgentType(AgentTypesToMerge...) [<: OptionalSupertype]

    Define multiple agent "subtypes", which are variants of a unique type YourAgentType. This means that all "subtypes" are enclosed in the overarching type. Then, You cannot distinguish them on the basis of typeof, but need to use instead the variantof function. [...]

    The way to retrieve the variant of the agent is through the function variantof. [...]

    You can also access the enclosed variant instance with the variant function. [...]

    Using your agents constructed with a Nucleus wrapping a Single or a Double, the problem is that expressions like isa(anAgent, Single) and isa(anAgent, Double) are false.

    anAgent = Nucleus(Single(id=-1; pos=[-2.0,-3.0], vel=[-0.2,-0.3], mass=-4.0, propertyA=-5))
    typeof(anAgent) # Nucleus
    isa(anAgent, Nucleus) # true
    isa(anAgent, Single) # false

    Solutions are to unwrap the Nucleus with variant(anAgent) or variantof(anAgent).

    isa(variant(anAgent), Single) # true
    variantof(anAgent) == Single  # true

    For example

    function model_step!(model)
        for (a1, a2) in interacting_pairs(model, 0.01, :nearest)
            if isa(variant(a1), Single) && isa(variant(a2), Single)          # modified
                merge_agents!(a1, a2, model)
        title = "Merging agents (multiagent)",
        frames = 500,
        dt = 1,
        framerate = 25,
        agent_size = agent -> isa(variant(agent), Double) ? 20 : 10,         # modified
        agent_color = agent -> isa(variant(agent), Double) ? :blue : :green  # modified