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How to keep an additional value when using connect-by in Oracle?

View v_documents stores only the latest flow_id, but each document can have multiple older flows as well. View v_flow_ids has two columns - flow_id and parent_id, and using this view it is possible to find all the successive flow_ids for one particular document, starting with the latest flow_id.

However, when doing this for multiple documents at once, I lose track of which flow_id belongs to which document:

select ff.flow_id, max(ff.repo_id) as repo_id would also be necessary here
from (select f.flow_id
      from v_flow_ids f  
      start with f.flow_id in (select d.flow_id
                               from v_documents d
                               where in (28211,14631,28212,14632,28192))
      connect by prior f.parent_id = f.flow_id) t
left join v_flow_additional_info ff on t.flow_id = ff.flow_id
group by ff.flow_id, ff.external_id

Is it possible to somehow also get the document id in the final result? So that each flow_id is assigned its corresponding


  • JOIN v_documents to the other queries and use CONNECT_BY_ROOT, something like:

    SELECT ff.flow_id,
           max(ff.repo_id) as repo_id,
    FROM   (
             SELECT f.flow_id,
                    CONNECT_BY_ROOT( AS id
             FROM   v_flow_ids f 
                    LEFT OUTER JOIN v_documents d
                    ON f.flow_id = d.flow_id
             START WITH IN (28211,14631,28212,14632,28192)
             CONNECT BY PRIOR f.parent_id = f.flow_id
           ) t
           LEFT OUTER JOIN v_flow_additional_info ff
           ON t.flow_id = ff.flow_id

    However, without some sample data and an idea of what your expected output is, it is impossible to test.