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Laravel Livewire - Lookup a table and return data

I have set up a very simple project as I want to pass livewire an id and it to return some data from a table with that ID.

My basic page includes

@livewire('ShowData',['id' => 4])

I have a livewire component set up (ShowData) which is

public $id;
public function render()
    return view('');

I can see the ID is passed OK

 <div class="text-center border-2 w-1/2 mx-auto bg-grey-200 my-4 px-4 py-4 rounded ">

4 comes up. So my next set was to add at the top of the show page

    $fp =App\Models\FrontPanel::find($id);

So far so good - I still get the number 4.

But when I replace showing the ID with


I get

Attempt to read property "name" on null

Any help appreciated! (There is a field name in the table BTW).


  • I have worked it out. The lookup must be before the render, unlike components which can be done on the blade file, so on the FrontPanel.php page I added in the render:

    $frontPanel = FrontPanel::find($id);
    return view('', ['frontPanel' => $frontPanel]);

    It works OK now.