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From multiple dictionaries, generate all combinations of keys while summing their values

Let's say I have n dictionaries of different sizes, dictA, ..., dictN (n may be as great as 18). They all have strings as their keys and positive numbers as their values. What I need is a dictionary dictComb that has as its keys all combinations of keys from dictA to dictN (one key from each dictionary) with the value of each combination equal to the sum of the constituent keys' values.

Example (n=2):

dictA = {"Beefsteak": 20, "Campari": 100}
dictB = {"McIntosh": 5, "Fuji": 11, "Honeycrisp": 32}

dictComb = {
    "Beefsteak McIntosh": 25, "Beefsteak Fuji": 31, "Beefsteak Honeycrisp": 52,
    "Campari McIntosh": 105, "Campari Fuji": 111, "Campari Honeycrisp": 132

I tried something like this:

for (a, b) in zip(dictA, dictB):
     dictComb.update({" ".join([a, b]): sum([dictA[a], dictB[b]])})

Unfortunately, that gives:

dictComb = {"Beefsteak McIntosh": 25, "Campari Fuji": 111}


  • Solution

    One more product usage (with dicts = dictA, dictB):

    from itertools import product
    dictComb = dict(zip(
        map(' '.join, product(*dicts)),
        map(sum, product(*map(dict.values, dicts)))

    Attempt This Online!


    With 18 dicts of two items each:

    0.54 seconds  no_comment
    0.70 seconds  no_comment_2
    0.57 seconds  no_comment_3
    1.37 seconds  Olivier_1
    1.63 seconds  Olivier_2

    Benchmark code:

    def no_comment(dicts):
        return dict(zip(
            map(' '.join, product(*dicts)),
            map(sum, product(*map(dict.values, dicts)))
    def no_comment_2(dicts):
        result = {}
        for d in dicts:
            result = d.copy() if not result else {
                f'{K} {k}': V + v
                for K, V in result.items()
                for k, v in d.items()
        return result
    def no_comment_3(dicts):
        result = {}
        for d in dicts:
            result = d.copy() if not result else {
                f'{K} {k}': V + v
                for k, v in d.items()
                for K, V in result.items()
        return result
    def Olivier_1(dicts):
        dictComb = {} 
        for keys in itertools.product(*dicts):
            keyComb = " ".join(keys)
            sum = 0
            for i, key in enumerate(keys):
                sum += dicts[i][key]
            dictComb[keyComb] = sum
        return dictComb
    def Olivier_2(dicts):
        dictComb = {} 
        for keys in itertools.product(*dicts):
            keyComb = " ".join(keys)
            dictComb[keyComb] = sum(dicts[i][key] for i, key in enumerate(keys))
        return dictComb
    funcs = no_comment, no_comment_2, no_comment_3, Olivier_1, Olivier_2
    from itertools import product
    import itertools
    from timeit import repeat
    # Correctness
    dictA = {"Beefsteak": 20, "Campari": 100}
    dictB = {"McIntosh": 5, "Fuji": 11, "Honeycrisp": 32}
    dicts = dictA, dictB
    want = {
        "Beefsteak McIntosh": 25, "Beefsteak Fuji": 31, "Beefsteak Honeycrisp": 52,
        "Campari McIntosh": 105, "Campari Fuji": 111, "Campari Honeycrisp": 132
    for f in funcs:
        print(f(dicts) == want, f.__name__)
    # Speed
    dicts = [dictA] * 18
    for _ in range(2):
        for f in funcs:
            t = min(repeat(lambda: f(dicts), number=1))
            print(f'{t:.2f} seconds ', f.__name__)

    Attempt This Online!

    (Bah, my no_comment_2 and no_comment_3 are wrong if a middle dict is empty. Oh well, since they're not better anyway, I'm too lazy to fix that. Keeping them just to show the speed of that approach.)