Search code examples

Elegant way to query this data

I have this weird requirement to generate an output where period can have values 1 to 36. So the output needs to have 36 + 3 columns. Is there any better way to do this. Please help. Thanks in advance

Updated 1st Nov 2024

Sample data is as below:

bdate id period ct value
2024-06-28 1 1 ct1 1.4563
2024-06-28 1 1 ct2 2.0023
2024-06-28 1 1 ct3 3.4563
2024-06-28 1 1 ct4 4.0023
2024-06-28 1 2 ct1 1.4563
2024-06-28 1 2 ct2 2.0023
2024-06-28 1 2 ct3 3.4563
2024-06-28 1 2 ct4 4.0023
2024-06-28 1 3 ct1 0.4563
2024-06-28 1 3 ct2 1.0023
2024-06-28 1 3 ct3 2.4563
2024-06-28 1 3 ct4 3.0023

Expected output is

bdate id period_1 period_2 period_3 period_36
2024-06-28 1 10.9172 10.9172 6.9172 0

Here the list of columns will be from period_1 to period_36.

CREATE or replace TABLE test_8192590.some_table
    `bdate` Date,
    `id` UInt32,
    `period` UInt32,
    `ct` String,
    `value` Float64
ENGINE = MergeTree
ORDER BY (bdate, id)
SETTINGS index_granularity = 8192;

insert into test_8192590.some_table VALUES 

Select date
  , id
  , period
  , case when period = 1 then sum(value) else 0 end as period_1,
  , case when period = 1 then sum(value) else 0 end as period_2,
  , case when period = 36 then sum(value) else 0 end as period_36
from some_table
group by bdate, id, period


  • Found the answer, it is easy like this

    WITH CAST(sumMap([period], [value]), 'Map(UInt32, Float64)') AS map
    select bdate
      , id
      , period
      , map[1] AS period_1
      , map[2] AS period_2
      , map[3] AS period_3
    from test_8192590.some_table
    group by bdate, id, period
    order by bdate, id, period;