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Blazor server - Fluent UI - Set focus to a FluentDatePicker

I can set focus to a FluentTextField:

  • Use a @ref: @ref=myFluentTextField

  • Declare it as a FluentTextField: FluentTextField? nombreFluentTextField;

  • Set focus:

    protected override void OnAfterRender(bool firstRender) { nombreFluentTextField?.FocusAsync(); }

If I try to do the same with a FluentDatePicker, I get this error in the console:

ElementReference has not been configured correctly.

So, the question is: how to set focus from code to a FluentDatePicker?

Many thanks and bye ...


  • If I try to do the same with a FluentDatePicker, I get this error in the console:

    ElementReference has not been configured correctly.

    It seems that this is a known issue, we can't reference the FluentDataPicker like the FluentTextField at present.

    So, the question is: how to set focus from code to a FluentDatePicker?

    You could refer to the following sample to set focus using the JavaScript method:

    1. Add the JavaScript script in App.razor page:

           function focusFluentDatePicker(elementId) {
               const datePicker = document.getElementById(elementId);
               if (datePicker) {
                   datePicker.focus(); //set focus.
         ; //show the date picker calendar.
    2. In the Main component, use a FluentButton @onclick event to set focus:

       @page "/fluentui"
       @rendermode InteractiveServer   
       @inject IJSRuntime JSRuntime
       <div style="display:flex">
           <FluentButton @onclick="() => focusTest!.FocusAsync()">FocusAsync</FluentButton>
           <FluentTextField @ref="focusTest" @bind-Value=value></FluentTextField>
       <div style="display:flex"> 
           <FluentButton @onclick="SetFocus" >Focus Date Picker Async</FluentButton>
           <FluentDatePicker @ref="datePicker" @bind-Value="@SelectedValue" 
               id="myDatePicker" />
               Selected Date: @(SelectedValue?.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"))
           FluentTextField? focusTest; 
           FluentDatePicker? datePicker;
           string? value;
           private DateTime? SelectedValue = DateTime.Today.AddDays(-2); //default date 
           private async void SetFocus()
               var id = this.datePicker.Id; //get the DataPicker id attribute.
               await JSRuntime.InvokeVoidAsync("focusFluentDatePicker", id);

    After running the application and then click the FocusDataPickerAsync button, the result as below: it will focus the datepicker and open the calendar, if you don't want to open the calendar, remove the;.

    test result