Search code examples

Return an array as a comma-list or similar?

I'm trying to construct a normalized table from a JSON file using OPENJSON in SQL Server. The JSON is of the form:


My goal is to use these entries in Dynamic SQL to produce a working query:

UPDATE [users] SET [FirstName]='Bob',[LastName]='Dobbs' WHERE [key]=5

Currently I'm using this SQL:

SELECT * FROM OPENJSON(@json, '$.actions')
  [Action] varchar(25) '$.action',
  [Table] varchar(25) '$.table',
  [Key] varchar(25) '$.key',
  [fields] nvarchar(MAX) AS JSON

Which gives me useful results like:

update   users    5    {"name":...

My original idea was to use string parsing to break out the data in fields, but now I realize that is bad idea. I believe I can query that back out of the temp table and into the JSON parser and have it break it out into a rowset, but I have looked everywhere and can't find an example that shows this.

Does anyone have any advice on how to deal with the varying-length list of fields?


  • It looks like you need OUTER APPLY and STRING_AGG to break out and re-aggregate the fields property.

    Note also

    • Use sysname for object and column names.
    • Use QUOTENAME to escape object and column names, use REPLACE for long strings.
    • I haven't considered INSERT but you should be able to adapt this.
    DECLARE @json nvarchar(max) = N'{
    DECLARE @sql nvarchar(max);
      UPPER(j1.action) +
        ' ' +
        QUOTENAME(j1.[table]) +
        CASE WHEN j1.action = 'update'
          THEN '
    ' + updateFields.allCols
          ELSE ''
        END + '
    WHERE [key] = ' +
        CAST(j1.[key] AS nvarchar(10)) +
    FROM OPENJSON(@json, '$.actions')
      WITH (
        action nvarchar(25),
        [table] sysname,
        [key] int,
        fields nvarchar(MAX) AS JSON
      ) j1
          '  ' + QUOTENAME(j2.Name) + ' = ' + ISNULL('N''' + REPLACE(j2.NewValue, '''', '''''') + '''', 'NULL'),
        FROM OPENJSON(j1.fields)
          WITH (
            Name sysname,
            NewValue nvarchar(max)
          ) j2
    ) updateFields(allCols)
    WHERE j1.action IN ('update', 'delete');
    PRINT @sql;  -- your friend
    EXEC sp_executesql @sql;
