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SQL query - find row which exceeds cumulative proportion

Say I have a table of data that looks like:

ItemNo    |    ItemCount   |    Proportion
1              3                0.15 
2              2                0.10
3              3                0.15
4              0                0.00
5              2                0.10
6              1                0.05
7              5                0.25
8              4                0.20

In other words, there are a total of 20 items, and the cumulative proportion of each ItemNo sums to 100%. The ordering of the table rows is important here.

Is it possible to perform a SQL query without loops or cursors to return the first ItemNo which exceeds a cumulative proportion?

In other words if the 'proportion' I wanted to check was 35%, the first row which exceeds that is ItemNo 3, because 0.15 + 0.10 + 0.15 = 0.40

Similarly, if I wanted to find the first row which exceeded 75%, that would be ItemNo 7, as the sum of all Proportion up until that row is less than 0.75.


  • select top 1
      MyTable t1
      ((select sum(t2.Proportion) from MyTable t2 where t2.ItemNo <= t1.ItemNo) >= 0.35)
    order by