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Example of the utility of the `G9` format specifier in C# for round-tripping floating-point numbers?

I'm trying to understand the practical utility of the G9 format specifier in C# when dealing with round-tripping floating-point numbers.

The book C#12 in a nutshell mentions that G9 is helpful to avoid precision loss when converting a float to a string and back to a float (page 324). But I can't find an example that shows a case where G9 formatting succeeds in preserving equality, while default formatting would fail.

For example:

using System;

class Program
    static void Main()
        float originalNumber = 0.1f;

        string defaultFormatted = originalNumber.ToString();

        float defaultRoundTrip = float.Parse(defaultFormatted);
        Console.WriteLine("Default Formatting:");
        Console.WriteLine("Original: " + originalNumber);
        Console.WriteLine("Formatted: " + defaultFormatted);
        Console.WriteLine("Round-trip Equal: " + (originalNumber == defaultRoundTrip));

        string g9Formatted = originalNumber.ToString("G9");

        float g9RoundTrip = float.Parse(g9Formatted);
        Console.WriteLine("\nG9 Formatting:");
        Console.WriteLine("Original: " + originalNumber);
        Console.WriteLine("Formatted: " + g9Formatted);
        Console.WriteLine("Round-trip Equal: " + (originalNumber == g9RoundTrip));

Gives me

Default Formatting:
Original: 0.1
Formatted: 0.1
Round-trip Equal: True

G9 Formatting:
Original: 0.1
Formatted: 0.100000001
Round-trip Equal: True

I was expecting something of the sort:

Default Formatting:
Original: 0.1
Formatted: 0.100000000001
Round-trip Equal: False

G9 Formatting:
Original: 0.1
Formatted: 0.1
Round-trip Equal: True


  • Your observations are correct. Calling Single.ToString without any arguments can indeed roundtrip the number.

    From the documentation of ToString(),

    The ToString() method formats a Single value in the default ("G", or general) format of the current culture.

    From standard numeric format strings, it is said that for float, "G" on its own without any precision will use as much precision as needed to round-trip the number.

    If the precision specifier is omitted or zero, the type of the number determines the default precision, as indicated in the following table.

    Numeric Type Default Precision
    Single Smallest round-trippable number of digits to represent the number (in .NET Framework, G7 is the default)

    Note that it does say that it will use G7 on .NET Framework, and this is possibly why the book author made that remark about using G9.

    See also this very old answer that quotes the documentation for Single.ToString(), which is different from what it says today.

    By default, the return value only contains 7 digits of precision although a maximum of 9 digits is maintained internally.

    If you require more precision, specify format with the "G9" format specification, which always returns 9 digits of precision, or "R", which returns 7 digits if the number can be represented with that precision or 9 digits if the number can only be represented with maximum precision.

    So this purpose of "G9" was actually documented.