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Spring AOP advice is called twice

I have the following Spring AOP advice and I can't find out why it is called twice:

public class LoggingAspects {

    Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(LoggingAspects.class);

    @AfterReturning(pointcut = "execution(public * com.A.B.C.service.impl.*.browse(..))",
            returning = "retVal")
    public Object onBrowse(DomainClass retVal) {"#######################Advice Called: +retVal);
        return null;


The configuration is as simple as that:


<bean id="loggingCASAspect" class="com.minervanetworks.xtv.stb.service.aspects.LoggingCASAspects"/> 

I have also tried the following advice with the same result (called twice).

@AfterReturning(pointcut="@annotation(com.A.B.C.service.impl.LOG)", returning="retVal")
public Object onBrowse(JoinPoint jp, DomainClass retVal) {"#######################Advice called! " + jp.toLongString()
    + " Target: " + jp.getTarget()
    + " Signature: " + jp.getSignature()
    + " Kind: " + jp.getKind()
    + " This: " + jp.getThis()
    + " Source Location: " + jp.getSourceLocation());

    return null;

The debug info from the above logger is:

2011-10-26 11:56:01,887 [INFO][com.A.B.C.service.aspects.LoggingAspects] #######################Advice called! execution(public abstract com.A.B.C.domain.DomainClass com.A.B.C.service.ContentManager.browse(java.lang.String,java.lang.String,java.lang.String,java.lang.Boolean)) Target: com.A.B.C.service.impl.ContentManagerImpl@62ad191 Signature: DomainClass com.A.B.C.service.ContentManager.browse(String,String,String,Boolean) Kind: method-execution This: com.A.B.C.service.impl.ContentManagerImpl@62ad191 Source Location: org.springframework.aop.aspectj.MethodInvocationProceedingJoinPoint$SourceLocationImpl@d324de2

It is displayed twice with exactly the same values.


  • 1. hint

    Do you use JavaConfig or xml? If you're using both, it could be that the Aspect is being processed two times by the Spring IoC container.

    2. hint

    I don't annotate aspects with @Component annoation, try to remove it, maybe because of that is being processed twice by Spring.