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Environment variables not working with Webpack Encore in Docker container

I've got a Symfony project with Webpack Encore. MySQL, PHP, Mercure, Yarn/NodeJS, etc. are installed on my machine. Environment variables are accessible by my front-end code.

Relevant code snippets:

# .env.local

# webpack.config.js
Encore.configureDefinePlugin(options => {
  const environment = dotenv.config({
    path: './.env.local',
    debug: false
  options['process.env.MERCURE_HUB_URL'] = JSON.stringify(environment.parsed.MERCURE_HUB_URL)

# api.js
const hub = new URL(process.env.MERCURE_HUB_URL)

This works great, but now I'm running Node in a container because I'm switching towards using dunglas/symfony-docker. In the new setup my environment variables aren't working as expected. Here's my node container with webpack's dev-server running:

# compose.yaml
  image: node:latest-alpine
    - .:/app
    - "8080:8080"
  working_dir: /app
    - php
  command: >
    sh -c "yarn install && yarn encore dev-server"

While this works (dev-server runs webpack compiles), process in api.js is not defined:

api.js:123 Uncaught ReferenceError: process is not defined

The in my webpack.config.js returns the variables as expected during building, so I don't understand what's going wrong. Any ideas?


  • Process is not available in the current scope, you could try globally setting the MERCURE var, thus not needing process in "frontend" code. Like this:

      .configureDefinePlugin(options => {
        const environment = dotenv.config({
          path: './.env.local',
          debug: false
    options['MERCURE_HUB_URL'] = JSON.stringify(environment.MERCURE_HUB_URL);

    You could then use it in api.js like this:

    const hub = new URL(MERCURE_HUB_URL);