In VSCode, I want to move the primary side bar to the bottom, so that it's easier to use VSCode in a profile-oriented monitor. Is this possible either in the settings or with an extension?
Note that I am not talking about the activity bar. I'm talking about the primary side bar, as described here:
By default, the Primary Side Bar is located on the left of the workbench and shows views such as the Explorer, Search, and Source Control views
I want to use a profile-oriented monitor, but having the sidebar on the side takes up ~1/3 of my screen. It'd be much more economical to have it on the bottom.
The Views in a View container (Explorer, Search, SCM, Debug, Panel,...) do not have a fixed position.
As shown in the doc about Views you can move them (drag/drop) to a new position in the same View container. But you can also move them to a different View container (mentioned in a release note, I created a doc issue about this not being mentioned in the doc pages, answer: it will be done when the drag/drop is finalized).
A possible new location is the Panel where you have the terminal. And from the Panel you can drag/drop a View to a different View Container in the Primary Side bar.
Following a few links in the issue I found the new doc section about Drag/Drop Views in a doc page about Custom Layout.
If you have no clue where the drop happened or you like to go back to the default positions you can use the command: View: Reset View Locations