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Reading a text file with a hh:mm:ss mixed with floats

I have a txt file like this :

index   timestamp   polarisation current (A)    signal (V)  head temperature (°C)   head relat.humidity (%RH)   MUGS temperature (°C)   laser voltage (V)   laser current (A)   driver temperature (°C)
0   16:11:24    0.4 0.0006019   26.51   43.5    32.0    11.37   0.3922  26.5
1   16:11:29    0.402   0.0006286   26.51   43.5    32.5    11.41   0.3972  31.5
2   16:11:34    0.404   0.0005828   26.51   43.5    32.5    11.42   0.4048  32.5
3   16:11:38    0.406   0.0006139   26.51   43.5    32.5    11.39   0.3984  32.5

The full file is here ( )

I read that file with :

with open(universal_path,'rt'): 
        values = np.genfromtxt( universal_path, delimiter="", skip_header = 1, encoding='unicode_escape')

But the problem is that the second column is full of NaN : enter image description here I tried to write dtype = None. But now it read only the first column of the txt file : enter image description here

I tried to write dtype = [int, str, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float]. But it only reads the firts column too.

How can i do to read the second column as a string pls ?


  • With what @Dan Masek said, i have this code that works :

    import numpy as np
    from pathlib import Path
    def lecture_EMUGS(universal_path):
        val_array = np.array(np.genfromtxt(universal_path, delimiter="", 
        skip_header=1, encoding='unicode_escape', converters={0:int, 1 : 
        hh_min_ss = np.array([i.split(':', 2) for i in 
        s = hh_min_ss[:,0]*3600 + hh_min_ss[:,1]*60 + hh_min_ss[:,2]
        val_array[:,1] = s
    return val_array.astype(float)
    universal_path =
    _0.15us_-14h02m33s_pulse20% (1).txt")
    data = lecture_EMUGS(universal_path)

    .tolist() converts what np.genfromtxt produced into a list. np.array() converts this list into a numy array. hh_min_ss converts a one column string array into a 3 column float array. s converts the "hh:mm:ss" string into the number of second it represents. Then val_array[:,1] = s replace the string column by the float column it represents in seconds.