I am trying to use the tflite
package in my Flutter app, but I am encountering a MissingPluginException
when attempting to load a model. Here are the details:
sdk: flutter
tflite: ^1.1.2
Future<void> loadModel() async {
try {
var resultant = await Tflite.loadModel(
model: "assets/model.tflite",
print("Result after loading model: $resultant");
} catch (e) {
print("Error loading model: $e");
Error loading model: MissingPluginException(No implementation found for method loadModel on channel tflite)
Ensured that all dependencies are correctly installed.
Restarted the application multiple times. Already tried flutter clean
Verified the asset path for the model file.
I am using the latest version of the plugin.
OS: Windows
Android Emulator: sdk gphone16k x86 64
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
tflite package was not updated since 3 years ago, this error probably because the package is not compatible with the current flutter version. Try tflite_flutter package instead, it was released 55 days ago.