I have the potential on creating an Array from reading an Excel spreadsheet that the Column Headers, which will end up as my Array Keys, may have leading and/or trailing spaces. I'd like to check and trim all my keys in my array.
I tried the following but it did not seem to work
let trimmedKeyData = Object.keys(data).forEach(k => k = k.trim());
If I want to achieve this, I wondered what the best Javascript functions for doing so are?
You can't rename a key in an object. You can delete and re-create a property or create a new object. You may try to do it in the same order as you iterate on it, but the final order is not guaranteed.
var arr = [{
"COL A ": 1,
"COL B ": 2,
"COL C": 3,
"COL A ": 4,
"COL B ": 5,
"COL C": 6,
var newArr = arr.map(function(item) {
var newItem = Object.keys(item).reduce(function(agg, key) {
agg[("" + key).trim()] = item[key]
return agg;
}, {})
return newItem
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min-height: 100%;