I'm working with a pyspark dataframe (in Python) containing time series data. Data got a structure like this:
event_time variable value step ID
1456942945 var_a 123.4 1 id_1
1456931076 var_b 857.01 1 id_1
1456932268 var_b 871.74 1 id_1
1456940055 var_b 992.3 2 id_1
1456932781 var_c 861.3 2 id_1
1456937186 var_c 959.6 3 id_1
1456934746 var_d 0.12 4 id_1
1456942945 var_a 123.4 1 id_2
1456931076 var_b 847.01 1 id_2
1456932268 var_b 871.74 1 id_2
1456940055 var_b 932.3 2 id_2
1456932781 var_c 821.3 3 id_2
1456937186 var_c 969.6 4 id_2
1456934746 var_d 0.12 4 id_2
For each id i got each variable's value at a specific "step".
I need to subset this dataframe like this: for each id take all the rows corresponding to steps 1, 2, 3 and a portion of step 4 data starting from the first_event time value of step 4, let's say first 25%. This portioning is to be done with respect to event time.
I'm able to do it for a single id, after having subset the DF based on that id:
# single step partitioning
threshold_value = DF.selectExpr(f"percentile_approx({"event_time"}, {0.25}) as threshold").collect()[0]["threshold"]
partitioned_df= DF.filter(col(column_name) <= threshold_value)
# First 3 steps
first_3_steps_df = DF.filter((col("step").isin([1,2,3])))
And then i would concat the partitioned_df and first_3_steps_df to obtain the desidered output for 1 specific id. I'm stuck at iterating this kind of partitioning for each id in DF without actually iterating that process for each id separately.
I'm also able to do it in pandas, but the DF is huge and i really need to stick to Pyspark, so no Pandas answers, please.
Group the data by ID
and use percentile_approx as aggregation function to calculate the threshold for step=4. Then create a where
clause with these values to filter the data:
from pyspark.sql import functions as F
df = ...
threshold = df.where('step = 4') \
.groupBy('ID') \
.agg(F.percentile_approx('event_time', 0.25)) \
threshold = [(r[0],r[1]) for r in threshold]
whereStmt = 'step=1 or step=2 or step=3'
for r in threshold:
whereStmt = whereStmt + f' or (step=4 and ID={r[0]} and event_time<={r[1]})'