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scala-cli test are not run with scalacheck

I use scala-cli and scalatest-funsuite. Here is the snippet

//> using scala 3.3.3
//> using test.dep org.scalatest::scalatest-funsuite:3.2.19
//> using test.dep org.scalatestplus::scalacheck-1-18::

import org.scalatest.funsuite.*
// import org.scalatestplus.scalacheck.*

class HelloScalatestSuite extends AnyFunSuite {

  test("hello() must return hello when no args "){ 
    assertResult(20)(1 + 1)


Upon scala-cli test . , the test must fail but the Test itself is not recognized. Commenting out //> using test.dep org.scalatestplus::scalacheck-1-18:: runs the test as expected. The same set of dependencies (scalacheck + scalatest works fine with sbt.

What am I missing with scala-cli settings ?


  • I think the problem is related to there being 2 test libraries imported at once. Not sure if ScalaCheck counts as one, but it appearing to cause the issue suggests something like that... the auto-detection scans the classpath I think, so something in there must be causing confusion.

    It started working when I explicitly specified ScalaTest's Framework implementation to scala-cli:

    //> using testFramework

    The fix would probably work in principle for any combination of test frameworks that end up not being detected.

    I found this info by noticing that the scala-cli docs mention something similar for Weaver (using testFramework), recognizing the sbt Framework interface from that one time I read about how to implement your own Scala test framework, and searching for it in ScalaTest's API docs.