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BLE CPS - Features bit ordering

I'm trying to write a BLE Server for the CPS service (Cycling Power Service). Power data is capture correctly by the client (polar watch), but I cannot get the watch to capture wheel rotation & crank rotation pairs. At least no data is shown on the watch for speed & candence. Cadence should def. be working as it works with another stagePower sensor using the same service.

I tried to capture Control Points call in case this was the root cause of being unsupported, but none occurs...

Then I thought about the issue may be in the features bits. And it's still unclear to me how these bits should be sent. Byte little-endian like data? Or LSbit -> MSbit ?

From the examples I could find for reference, it's sent in regular order, but I doubt it's the case. What I'm sending right now is :

uint8_t fBuffer[4];
fBuffer[0] = 0x00;
fBuffer[1] = 0x00;
fBuffer[2] = 0x00;
fBuffer[3] = 0x0C;
CyclePowerFeature.writeValue(fBuffer, 4);

Just for completness, here are a few characteristic data frames that are sent (captured by nRF Connect):


Flags : 0030 (bits 4 & 5 activated) to activate wheel & crank data pairs Power output : 42-43 Watts (2A00 - 2C00) Calculated speed from this set (wheel size : 2.35m) : 11.9-16.4 kph Calculated cadence from this set : 87-89 RPM

Wheel details : Revolution counter : 15000000 -> 46000000 (ie 15->46 in hex B-endian / ie : 21->70 in decimal) Revolution timestamps : 7090 -> 1FE9 (ie 1970->E91F in hex B-endian / ie : 6512->59679 in decimal - 1/2048th of s)

Cadence details : Crank counter : 0800 -> 1B00 (ie 08->1B in hex B-endian / ie : 8->27 in deciaml) Crank timestamp : EFF9 -> 062E (ie F9E3->2E06 in hex B-endian / ie : 63971->11782 in decimal - 1/1024th of s)

Decoded values for each frame look OK for me following the logic :g

  • calculate & convert time_diff with previous frame (for crank & wheel)
  • calculate #revolutions (for crank & wheel) with previous frame
  • calculate RPM : frame_crank_revolutions x 60 x 1000 / crank_time_diff
  • calculate Speed : frame_wheel_revolutions¨x 2.35 x 1000 / wheel_time_diff

Tried to contact Polar (who signed off the CPS specs...) to get some infos, but they only replied "we are compatible with X and Y sensors"


  • In your case, the specification indicates endianess.

    According to the Cycling Speed and Cadence Service, Chap. 1.7 Byte Transmission Order, all characteristics used with this service shall be transmitted with the least significant octet first (i.e., little endian).

    The other part of the specification Cycling Speed and Cadence Profile may also be of interest.